El Primero

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The sun shines brightly over Casa Del Toro the next morning. The rays did not bother the young cow as she slept. It did not bother Raymano either. Both were sleeping peacefully, until the shouting of Lupe's voice woke them up. "Ay Chihuahua!" the bird said as he fell out the window. Teri tiredly opened her eyes. "What's going on?" she thought aloud, as she got up. "El Primero! El Primero! El Primero!" Lupe said over and over. Wide awake, Teri gets up and leaves her stall. She goes by the entrance, where the other bulls were at. She sees Ferdinand and goes over to him. "Hey, Ferdinand. What's going on?" she asks him. "I don't know, just some guy named El Primero showed up and everyone is getting pretty excited" he said. Then, they hear a car coming up the driveway. They look and see a red, fancy car coming to Casa Del Toro. Raymano catches up with Teri and lands right on her shoulder. "What happened? Did I miss anything?" he said, but then notices the red car. "Whose fancy ride is that?" he said. Then, a tall man came out of the car. He wore a white shirt and a black jacket, pants and shoes. "I believe it belongs to him, who is that guy?" Teri said. Right next to her, Lupe let out a surprised gasp. "You don't know who El Primero is!?" she said to her. "I don't really pay attention to the names of the bullfighters, or fighting in general" she said to the goat. "Probably because you're too busy out in the field, tending to your flowers and bringing back another little critter from the woods" said Valiente. Both Teri and Raymano sent him a glare. "Oh leave her be, Valiente, Ronnie hasn't done anything to you" Angus said. She looks at him and said with a smile "thanks Angus, and it's Teri".

They watch El Primero talk to Moreno, saying that he has come to Casa Del Toro to select a bull for his next, final fight. Lupe hears this and nudges Ferdinand's shoulder happily. "Uno, one bull. The best bull against the best bullfighter" El Primero said to him. Moreno tried saying something to him, but he kept interrupting him. "I have a new bull, that I think would be perfect for you" Moreno finally explained. "Only El Primero knows which is the best" the bullfighter said. Teri could not help but feel a little worried. She feared that Ferdinand will be picked and this time, she might not ever see him again. She looks away before he notices her staring at him. The animals then watch El Primero enter the house with another guy carrying his luggage. "Get the bulls ready for El Primero" Moreno said to another guy. The bulls were prepared to show off for the great bullfighter, except for Ferdinand, who was very hesitant to go into the ring. "Oh boy, there is going to be a lot of blood on the ground" Raymano said. The cow whacked him with her tail, slightly glaring at him. "Ow!" he said. Ferdinand starts walking behind the snorting bulls, with Lupe chatting with him, trying to get him hyped up. "Okay, Ferd-train, I got exactly thirty seconds to teach you about bullfighting. Number one, don't get hit. Number two, destroy anything that moves. Number three....well that's basically it" she said to him. "Trust me, Lupe, this is not for me" Ferdinand exclaimed. "He's right, he's not a fighting bull" Teri said, walking alongside him. "Oh, relax. It's a slam dunk! El Primero is going to take one look at you, and boom! You're on your way to the big show!" Raymano rolls his eyes annoyingly. "Oi oi oi" he muttered. Ferdinand goes through the gate, but not before taking a quick glance at Teri, who was now a few feet behind him. "Please be careful" she said to him. He could sense the worry in her voice. Before he could say anything to her to comfort her, he was hit on the rear by a stick. "I want the new bull out first" Moreno said. Ferdinand casts one more look at her before joining the other bulls. Teri and Raymano go over by the fence to watch the bulls fight. Guapo notices her and gives her a charming smile. "Hey Teri, check me out. I'm gonna show you how a real bull does the work" he said.

She rolls her eyes while Raymano said "can I peck him on the head for saying that?" "No you may not" she said to him. Then, they both looked up and saw El Primero standing on the high rise, ready to see which bull is perfect for him. "Oh boy, here we go" Raymano said. Lupe comes up next to the two and said "alright, lets do this thing". One of the workers prepares to open the gate, with the bulls on the other side. He opens it, but no bull came out, making everyone look in confusion. "Hey, what's the hold up?" the parrot said. "Ferdinand isn't coming out" Teri said. "What!?" "Didn't you hear what he was saying. He's not a fighting bull, he hates the idea of fighting". Then, all the bulls came out, including Ferdinand. "Whoo, smash them in the head!" Lupe said. Teri looks on, worriedly, hoping her friend doesn't get picked. They watched him avoid hitting anything, from a matator dummy to other bulls to anybody else. Climbing up on the bricked wall, Lupe goes over to him to talk to him. "Lupe, what are you doing?" Raymano said. "Need to chat with Ferd, he's not busting anything" Lupe explained. "That's because he doesn't want to-" Teri was about to tell her, but she already left. She sighs deeply, getting a little annoyed. Lupe makes it to the black bull and starts talking with him. "Hey, Ferdinand, El Primero is watching, even Teri is watching. You should probably hit something" "Nope, actually, I'm gonna pass on the violence" "Well, you better hit something before something hits you" As she said that, Angus charged right at him. He dodges him and he hits a red board from behind him. A gasp escapes Teri's lips as she watches this. Ferdinand hears this and sees the worried look on her face. Then, Valiente shoves Ferdinand, urging him to fight. "Are you ready to fight!? Come on!" he said to him. "Uh oh, it's getting intense here" Raymano commented, but given a glare from the cow. Guapo then shoves Valiente away from Ferdinand with his horns. "Guapo with a hit! Take that, Valiente. What'd you think of that, Teri? Pretty impressive right?" he said. Teri groans and Raymano rolls his eyes. "You think you got what it takes, then show it to El Primero" Valiente said. "Oh, I'll show him. I'll prove it to him" he said back. He looks up at El Primero, but then faints. "Bull down" Ferdinand shouted as he runs over to Guapo. Bones bumps into him and lands on top of Valiente, then bumps into Maquina, who bumps into Angus, causing the red board on his horns to fall off. Teri and Raymano cringed as they see everything spiral out of control. Seeing enough, El Primero leaves the ring.

The bulls leave the ring and start to head back to the stables. Teri and Raymano meets them on the other side, but hear the bulls were not happy with Ferdinand. "What do you think you were doing back there?" Angus said. "Are you trying to make us look bad" Bones said. "I-I was just trying to help Guapo" Ferdinand explained. "Yeah, what's wrong with helping another bull out?" Teri said to them. "Help? There's no helping" Angus said to her. "Your boyfriend is the worst fighting bull I've ever partially seen" "Uh, wh-what!?" Before Ferdinand and Teri could say anything to him, Valiente said "that's because he's not a real fighter". "Little Ferdinand had a growth spurt, but he is still the same little coward he always was" he continued. "Why does not wanting to fight mean I'm scared" Ferdinand said. "He doesn't have to fight if he doesn't want to, Valiente" Teri exclaimed. "Yeah, that's ridiculous, my boy here is a ruthless killing machine. Am I right, Ferd" Lupe said. "No, he's not a killing machine, Lupe. It's what we've been trying to tell you" the cow said. "And I didn't eat a baby" the bull said to the goat. Teri raises a brow at him, which Ferdinand quickly replied "it's a long story". "That would be very weird and scary if you actually did that" Raymano said to him. "Wait a moment, are you trying to say that you don't want to fight for glory in the ring?" Angus asked, a little confused. "I'm not a fighter" Ferdinand replied. There was a moment of silence, until Angus replied "I don't understand that at all". "Yeah, what else is there" Bones asked. Before he could answer, they hear Guapo cheering happily from outside the stables. The bulls, Teri and Raymano go outside and see him getting in a trailer. "Look who got picked by El Primero" said Guapo. "Seriously?" Raymano replied. "He just picked you, just like that?" Teri said as well. "Yes ma'am and sir, whose the bull now. Guapo going to the big show, that's right" he said to them. Everyone looks at him, very confused and curious of how and when he got picked. But then, the door of the trailer closes, everyone except Ferdinand's eyes widen. He wasn't going to a fight, he was going to the slaughterhouse. Teri gasps and Raymano looks as if he was going to faint. "Oh no" Bones muttered. "Wait a second, where are they taking him?" Ferdinand asks. "They're taking him to the chophouse" Bones replied sadly.

They watch as he was taken to the chophouse. Teri looks at the brown bull and could not help but feel sorry for him. She could tell that him and Guapo were good friends, even though neither of them would admit it. Very mad, Bones confronts Valiente. "You. You got into his head, and it's all on you" he said angrily. "Come on, we all knew he wasn't going to make it to the ring" he explained. "And you honestly think that he deserves this, Valiente. Yes, he can get on my nerves, but that doesn't mean he deserved this fate" Teri said, confronting him as well. "Oh really. I'm still surprised you're even still around and not over there right now. I would've thought that you would be fresh meat by now" he said coldly. Teri widens her eyes as she hears this. He most definitely struck a nerve. Not knowing what else to say, she snorts angrily at him and runs off. She heads off into the field, where she stops by her favorite spot and collapses on the ground, as tears start to fall from her eyes. She stayed like that for the rest of the day.

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