The Chophouse

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(Darn, I couldn't find a better picture of this place at night. Oh well, onward with the story!)

       Ferdinand, Teri and the other animals snuck into Moreno's house as quietly as they can (with some obstacles along the way). After getting through the kitchen and such, they were in the hallway. The hedgehogs rolled over to the door in front of them. This was it, the chance for freedom, the moment of truth. They were almost out of that place. The cattle was about to head for the door when Ferdinand stops and sees the pictures on the wall. They were pictures of the many bulls that were here at Casa Del Toro long before any of the other bulls currently residing here. And hanging over the picture frames were their horns. The bull sees this and then sees a picture of his father, Rafeal. Teri looks at her boyfriend, and sees what he's looking at. "Is that...?" Lupe asked, also looking at the frame. "Yea" he replied. Teri and the goat see the sad look on his face, and the heifer moves close to him, kind of almost leaning against him. "I'm so sorry, Ferd" she said to him. Ferdinand appreciates her comfort, and he returns the gesture. "It's okay" he said. He then returns his gaze back on the picture. "He always believed that he can win" he said to the two females. Teri looks up and sees all the horns that stood over the frames. "They all did, even..." she said, but then went silent, as she thought about her father. But then, the more she thought about it, she started to think about the other bulls. They believe they can win, even though there is no possible chance. Yes, they would sometimes get on her nerves (especially Valiente), they didn't deserve something such as this. They were going to have the same fate as the other bulls who have lost their lives in the arena. 

      Teri was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she barely heard Raymano call her name. "Teri, come on, we gotta go now!" he said to her. Ferdinand seemed to be thinking the same thing and has the same idea as his girlfriend did. "No, we're not leaving" he said. "What?!" said both Lupe and Raymano. "The guys are still back there. They still believe they can win, like my dad did" the bull said to them. "And mine too. And neither of us want them up on that wall" Teri said as well. All the small animals looked at each other for a moment. Then, Raymano flies up and lands on the heifer's back. "I always said that I'll always have your back, and the both of us know that I'm bird that's true to his word" he said. The hedgehogs rolled up to their sides and Dos said "yea, count us in too". Then, all eyes were on Lupe. She looks at them, and said "alright, I guess I'm in too". "Whoo Hooo" Raymano shouts, but then realizes what he did and covers his beak. "Oops, sorry" he said, lowering his voice down a notch. With that being said, all the animals went back to the barn to tell the other bulls of their tragic fate.


The animals go back to the stables to tell the other bulls what they just discovered. "Guys, come on, wake up, we got to go" Ferdinand said. Lupe coughs up a whistle and blows it, waking them up. "What's going on?" Angus asks, tiredly. "Come on, guys, we're gonna get you out of here before the matador" Teri said. Bones steps out of his stable and tells her "we're not going anywhere. I'm gonna take his butt down". "No, you don't want to get selected. Trust me, it's a death sentence" the black bull tells him. "Rubbish, not if you win" Angus said, exiting his stable. "That's just it, no bull wins, ever" Ferdinand explains. "It's true. We were at Moreno's house and we saw this" Teri said. After she said that, the hedgehogs and Raymano present to them one of the horns that hung on the wall, startling them. "Jings! Crivens! And help ma baub!" Angus screamed, staring at the horns. Valiente stares at them silently. "And there's a lot more where that came from, a lot more" Ferdinand said. "There's really no way to win?" Bones said, looking up at the black bull before him. Teri takes a step towards the small bull and said "you get to fight in a big, fancy arena. But we're telling you, it's just another chophouse". Everyone was silent, letting that information sink in. Valiente, however, refused to believe it. He kicks the horns away and approaches Ferdinand. "Why would I believe a coward, who thinks the only way out is through the backdoor" he said to him, his voice full of anger. "Are you crazy? Did you not hear what me and Teri just said?" the black bull said. "Yea, I mean, were you not listening?" the heifer said to the brown bull. "Bulls fight or they go down, that's how the world works" Valiente said, stepping forward and making Ferdinand and Teri move backwards. "There's nothing left for you here, Valiente. Come with us" Ferdinand said to him. "No!" he shouted. The heifer sensed what the brown bull was gonna do, so she tries to stop him. "Valiente, please don't do this" Teri said, trying to calm him down so that he doesn't hurt anyone, especially Ferdinand. "You stay out of it, Teri!" he angrily said to her, causing her to move back a bit. "Seriously, what are you so afraid of?" Ferdinand asks Valiente. "I'm not afraid of anything!" he replied. After he said that, he pushes the big black bull back outside. 

Teri and the others go out to watch the scene unfold before them. Valiente urges Ferdinand to fight him, but he refuses to do so. "Come on, fight me!" he said. "I'm not going to fight you, Valiente" the big bull replied. "Coward!" Valiente screams as he charges at Ferdinand. As he did that, Teri screams her boyfriend's name. Ferdinand struggles a bit as Valiente said "you're soft, like your father and your girlfriend. And the soft ones always go down!" Teri watches on, not sure of what to do. Then, she makes up her mind and goes up to the two bulls. "Teri, what are you doing-Teri?!" Raymano said, but the heifer didn't hear him. She goes up to them while keeping at a safe distance. "Val, you gotta stop this" she said to the brown bull. Valiente turns his attention to her and snorted at her angrily. "I said stay out of it!" he said. He then pushes the heifer out of the way, causing her to fall on the ground. "Teri!!" Ferdinand screams, as Valiente goes back at headbutting him. Raymano and the other animals go up to the heifer to help her up. Just as she was struggling to get back on her hooves, they all hear a loud snap. They lift their heads and their eyes widen. Valiente's left horn was snapped completely off. The brown bull's eyes widen in horror. Ferdinand looks at him, looking just as shocked as he is. Then, they look up and see El Primero watching from the balcony, a satisfied smile on his face. Moreno comes out to the balcony and asks what's going on. "That one is the best bull" the matador said, pointing at Ferdinand. He widens his eyes as he mutters a 'no' to himself. Teri looks at her boyfriend, a sad look appearing on her face. El Primero looks over at the injured heifer, then looks back at Moreno, who was looking at her with sorrowful eyes. "You know what to do with her. A cow is not a cow if she has no purpose in a place like this" he said to him. The owner turns his attention to the matador, then back at the cow, and sighs, nodding his head slightly. 

Moments pass, and Valiente was placed in the meat trailer, his head hung down low. The other bulls and animals went back into the stables while Ferdinand and Teri watch as he was being taken to the chophouse. The heifer's leg was still sore, but it was doing okay. Then, they hear a truck coming up beside them. They look and they see a second trailer pull up, just like the one Valiente was in. At first, they were confused as to why there would be a second one. Before they could ask about it, a rope was placed around Teri's neck. Startled, she starts to realize what was happening. She struggled to get out of the handlers hold on the rope, but to no avail. Ferdinand tried to help, he really did, but some of the guys held him back. "Teri!!!" the bull shouted her name. "Ferdinand!!!" the heifer shouted back. Raymano sees this when he heard the commotion and exited the stables. "Hey, get your hands off my sister you traitorous bullies!" he shouted. He tried to fly towards his adoptive sister, but someone wrapped their hands around him, preventing him from doing so. Then, Teri was pulled into the trailer, the door quickly closing behind her. She tried kicking her way out, but that didn't seem to work. She looks out from the trailer and sees Moreno looking at her with a sad expression. "I'm very sorry, girl" he said, petting her head softly. He tells the guys to get going in Spanish, and get going they did. "No, no, no" Teri said, panic rising in her voice as the truck started to move. "Teri!!" Ferdinand shouts out again as he struggled to get out of the men's grip and get to his girlfriend. Once they let go of him, the bull runs after the truck, but it was already far away. Tears started to brim in his eyes as he watches his love go towards the chophouse. Raymano, after being released, flies up to the black bull and perches on his head, the same look upon his face.

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