Escaping Casa Del Toro (Part 1)

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After the romantic and heartfelt confession, the two cattle walk back to the stables. Ferdinand nuzzles Teri's cheek and tells her that he will come get her when it is time. She says 'ok' and goes to her stable, but not before giving her now boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. Ferdinand smiles lovingly as he watches her go, feeling his heart swell with love and happiness. Once the heifer goes through the door, she lets out a heartfelt sigh. She hasn't felt this much happiness since she was a kid. Unknown to her, Raymano was sitting on the window sill, smirking at the lovestruck cow. "Look's like someone had a nice afternoon" he said. Teri yelps, startled by the parrot's voice scaring her. "Raymano, what are you doing here?" she said, trying to sound innocent. "First off, I live here, you know. Second, by the look on your face, it looks like something interesting happened" he said. Of course, he knew what happened, but he wanted to hear it from his friend/sister. He could see her blush appear on her face. Knowing that she couldn't keep this from her parrot brother, she told him everything that happened. Raymano pretended to act surprise (he's not gonna say anything, lol XD). Then, Teri tells him about Ferdinand getting out of this place and asking her to come with him. The parrot widens his eyes at that, and then asks "are you going to go with him?" "Yes, I am. What purpose do I have here, Raymano? If there is none, then what's the point in being here? I know Moreno has taken good care of me, ever since my mother passed, but what kind of future would I have if I stayed? (sighs) Look, this place will have someplace in my heart, but what would happen if I stayed longer?" After she said that, Raymano seemed to be in deep thought. Then, he looked up at her and said "If it means that much to you, then I'm coming with you". Teri looks Raymano, her eyes slightly widening. "Really?" she asked. "Yea, wherever you go, I'm going to, sis" he replied. The cow smiles softly. Now, the two must wait when Ferdinand comes to get them. 

Timeskip: brought to you by Raymano being his cool and sly self (Raymano: that's right!)

      The day turns into night as Teri anxiously awaits for her bull. Raymano is already fast asleep on the heifer's back, snoring very loudly. Teri couldn't sleep, she didn't want to, she was too full of excitement and nervousness to even feel it. Then, she hears some movement from outside. She moves over to the window to get a better look. At first, she didn't see anything, just the tall grass swaying softly against the wind and the quiet forest. She was about to turn around when she heard a 'hello' from the door. The heifer jumps, but calms down when she sees the familiar black bull standing at the doorway. "Oh, hey Ferd" she said as she moves closer to him. But then she has a confused look on her face. "Wait a minute, how did you open the door?" she asks him. Before Ferdinand could say anything, the three hedgehogs appeared on top of his head. "Hey Teri!" said Cuatro. Then, Raymano wakes up, startled. "W-What? Huh? What happened?" the parrot said. "Wow, nice digs you have, Teri" Una complemented. "Yeah, very nice" said Dos. Lupe squeezes through the doorway, landing on the floor with a thud. "Yea, this place is very nice. I'm actually kind of jealous" she said. Raymano rubs his eyes with his wings and asked "is it time, yet?" "Yes, Raymano, it's time" Teri said. The parrot jumps up, opens his wings and flies happily, excitement overtaking him. "Oh yeah! What are we waiting for, lets-" he was about to say, but his beak was instantly covered by the hedgehogs. "Ray, you have got to be quiet, if we're going to get out of here quickly" Una said to him. Raymano muffles an 'ok' and the three hedgehogs uncovered his beak. 

      Ferdinand chuckles lightly, and then said "alright, lets get going". He moves to the side so that he can allow Teri to exit, to be nice and such. The heifer smiles and nuzzles her cheek against his, which he returns. Then, he whispers "nervous?" "That, and also excited" she replies. "Don't worry, you're going to love the farm, and Nina will adore you" the bull said to her. "I know, and I think that I'm going to adore her too" she said. Before they could say anything else, they hear Lupe say "hey, sorry, don't mean to ruin the moment between you lovebirds, but we are trying to escape this place and would like to do so in a hurry" "Oh, way to kill the moment, Lupe" Raymano said to the goat. "Yea" the hedgehog siblings said in union. "What? I was just sayin" she said. "Guys, shh, no bickering until we're at a safe distance" Teri said to them in a hushed voice. That instantly shut all the small animals up. "Sorry" they all said. "It's alright, no hard feelings" the heifer said. "Ok, guys, lets get going" Ferdinand said to them. Then, they all made their escape.

(Here we go, another nice chapter for you all. Sorry if this one is a little shorter than the other ones I've written. Not to worry, the next one will probably be longer. Again, sorry for the long wait on this story, I've just been going through a lot of stuff and have been focused on other things. I will try to get back to my stories really soon. To make it up, I'll possibly post the next chapter either tomorrow or the next day. Anywho, love you all and have a good day/night)

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