The Big Fight

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The time has come, the time for the greatest bull fight there ever was, a fight between El Primero and Ferdinand. The black bull was in the stadium stable,  awaiting for the fight that he didn't want to be apart of. Lupe was coaching him through and Raymano comforting him, but their words were fallen on deaf ears. Ferdinand's thoughts were not on the fight. His thoughts were on his beloved, Teri. He wondered where she was or if she was okay. He was scared for her, and it hurts him so much that he's not able to do anything about it at this very moment. He even wondered if Teri was thinking the same thing. In truth, she actually was right now. In a different stable, the young heifer sat in the darkness, feeling scared and alone. She feels like she's going to go back to the chop house for sure, due to the pain in her leg and having no purpose at the ranch. Despite her dark thoughts, that was the least of her worries. She wondered where Ferdinand was, right now, wondering if he was okay, as well as everyone else. Her thoughts were interrupted when she hears the door to the stable open, her ears moving in the direction of the sound. 

Teri looks up and sees Moreno standing before her, a rope in hand. She sees the hurt and guilt in his face, and a part of her felt some pity towards him. Despite this, she still snorted bitterly at him, a growing glare on her face. The heifer no longer felt any trust in this man, at all. How could she? Moreno practically raised her ever since her mother died, giving her the freedom to be herself. Then, he sends her to the chop house to become slices of steak, chases her and her friends down, and holding her and Ferdinand here against their will. There's no way she can ever trust him after what he's done. Moreno takes a few steps towards her, holding his hands up lightly. "It's okay, Terisa, I'm just gonna take you outside for a moment" he said, tying the rope around her neck. After a couple tugs, the heifer reluctantly walks out of the stable with him. As they walked through the hallway, Teri had a sinking feeling that something was going to happen.

Teri and Moreno go through two large doors, the brightness outside briefly blinding the heifer for a moment. Once her buffoon her vision cleared, she sees a large bull fighting ring in front of her, with thousands of people surrounding it, watching from afar. 'Why am I out here?' Teri thought, her brows furrowed in pure confusion. At the next moment, she finds herself tied to a large red pole. She tried tugging herself off the pole, but to no avail. She looks at the man before her, wondering what is going on. Moreno thought back on the conversation he had with El Primero, just moments after him and his men caught Ferdinand and Teri. 

Flashback: Several minutes ago 

Moreno was on the phone with El Primero, while his men were hurling Ferdinand and Teri into two different trailers. "Yes, Senior Primero, we got the bull. We also have Terisa, as well. I'll be sure to send her back as soon as possible" he said. "Actually Moreno, I have a better idea" the bull fighter said through the phone. Moreno furrows his eyebrows in confusion and slight interest. "That bull seems to have a soft spot for your cow. You've noticed that, have you not?" El Primero said. Moreno thinks about it, and he has noticed that Ferdinand and Teri are pretty close, even when they were calves. He used to think they were a match made in heaven. "Yes, I have, why do ask?" he asked the bull fighter. "What if we used that to our advantage?" El Primero replied. Moreno felt a sinking feeling in his chest. "What are you saying?" he said with uncertainty in his voice. "What I'm saying is that with the cow in the ring, the bull will have every reason to fight" the bull fighter explained. Moreno's eyes widen slightly, not believing what he's hearing. "Put Terisa in the ring? She's not gonna get hurt, is she?" he said. "Oh no, no harm will come to her, unless both of you cooperate. If not, then your ranch is as good as history" El Primero said, ending the call on that last sentence, leaving the man speechless and silent.

Flashback Ends: Present

Moreno thinks back at that memory, feeling instant regret for what's going to happen. He pats Teri on the head, petting her slightly in the end. "I'm so sorry" he said to her before leaving her there. The heifer watches him leave, a look of hurt and confusion expressed on her face. As she watches her owner leave, she hears the crowd scream wildly as El Primero entered the ring. The bullfighter sits on the sandy ground, his expression showing a lot of determination as he looks at the gate before him. The gates open, the crowd goes silent, the anticipation filling the air. Then, Ferdinand slowly emerges from the gates, making both Teri and the crowd gasp for different reasons. Teri sees the unsure look on his face, knowing very well that he really didn't want to do this. The bull looks around the crowd, and his eyes landed on the heifer, still tied to the pole. 

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