Saying Farewell and Running Away

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Teri and Ferdinand get to the fence to watch the bulls fight. Guapo, Valiente and Bones seemed to enjoy it, but the other two seemed nervous. "Oh no, I'm going to get sick" Guapo said as he hurls to the ground. The calves look at him for a second, then drew their attention back on the fight. Raf was head butting Valiente's father, then stops and looks at the matador. The matador looks at the bulls, and points at Raf. Valiente's father grumbles angrily and stomps away. Valiente goes to him he did a good job, but his dad, very coldly, said "who ask you!" He seemed a little sad and hurt. When Ferdinand and Teri go over to him, he glares at them and said "what are you looking at!" Teri jumps at the sound of his voice. Ferdinand senses this, and gently places his hoof on hers. She notices this and blushes a little as she looks at him. He smiles at her sweetly. As he leaves, they hear their names being called. "Ferdinand! Teri!" called Raf. The young calves go over to him. "He picked me, can you guys believe it" he said as he picked both of them up. "You did a good job out there, Raf" Teri said. "Thanks Teri, couldn't have done anything better. And I told you before, you can call me Uncle Raf" he said while smiling at her. "Ok, Uncle Raf" she said, giggling a bit. "Your dad is going to fight for glory in the ring" he said to Ferdinand. "Do you have to go?" he asked, a little sad he has to go. "Of course I have to go, come on Ferd, this is what every bull dreams of". Teri looks at her friend, knowing very well that's not what he's dreaming. "Is it possible for it to not be my dream?" he says to him. Raf puts Ferdinand and Teri down and says to his son "look, you're still just a kid right now. And when you're grown up, your dreams are gonna change, everything's. I'll tell you one thing that's gonna change, you're going to be bigger and tougher than your old man, that's for sure". He then whispers in his ear. "Even get to impress some ladies, if you know what I mean". Ferdinand blushed when he said that, knowing what he meant. "No way" "Yes way". Teri looks at the two, and a sad smile formed on her face. She wishes she could be like that with her dad. In fact, she wishes she knew her dad at all. Her father had died in a fight when she was just born, so she never knew him.

She then hears Ferdinand say something about winning by not fighting. Raf looks at his son sympathetically and said "oh Ferdinand. I really wished the world worked like that for you, I really do. But.... that's just, not how it works for us". Then, they here a trailer door open, hinting that it's time for Raf to go. "Ok, it's time" he said. "You're coming back, right?" Ferdinand asked him, hopefully. "What! That matador doesn't stand a chance, ok" Raf said. The young calf gives him an ok.  "And, when I win, I'm coming back here to teach you all my moves. Even my secret ones". With that said, they pressed their foreheads against each other's, saying their goodbyes. Teri felt tears brimming her eyes a bit, but wipes them away quickly before anyone notices. Raf then goes into the trailer, not before turning around, looking at the young calves. He gives his son a wink then looks at Teri. "Hey Teri, keep him company while I'm gone" he said to her, with a smile. "I will, Uncle Raf". When she said that, he walked into the trailer. Teri and Ferdinand sadly watches the truck leave Casa Del Toro. She looks at him, and nudges his shoulder. "Come on, Ferd, let's go" she said. They started making their way to the barn, until they stopped and looked at the red flower. They both had a smile on their faces, but then the smiles fell when Valiente stomped on the flower with an angry look on his face, then walking back to the barn with his father. Ferdinand now had a sad look upon his face. Teri gives him a comforting smile and said "don't worry, Ferdinand. Your dad will be back before you know it. And don't worry about Valiente, he just doesn't understand that we're different, and that's okay". He looks at her and smiles a bit, but is still upset. "Come on, let's get inside" she said. They then made their way to the barn, and waited for Raf's return.

Timeskip: Brought to you by cute calf Ferdinand

Minutes turned into hours. It was about dusk, and Ferdinand and Teri still waited for Raf to come back. They waited in the pen/stable where Ferdinand and his dad sleep (I think). Teri was starting to get sleepy, but tried to stay awake as possible. Ferdinand notices this and asks her "are you getting tired?" "Huh? No, no, I'm fine. Just, um, something in my eye, is all" she said, shaking her head slightly and stretching her legs. He chuckles at her attempt to stay awake. "It's ok, Teri. You need your sleep, I'm going to stay awake until Dad gets back" he says to her. "Are you sure?" "I'll be fine, but thanks four keeping me company". Teri got up and was about ready to go to her stable when she heard him say wait. She turns around and Ferdinand instantly forgets what he was going to say. "Yes Ferdinand" she said. He tried to find his voice after a minute, and finally spoke while blushing "if-if you want to, you could stay here and rest? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, just thought it would be easier than jumping over and walking back". He mentally kicked himself for stuttering. Teri blushed as well, but giggled. Well, I guess it would be easier, so, yes" she shyly said. She started to lay down and she felt her eyelids starting to get heavy. "Let me know when he comes back" she said, tiredly. "I will" he promised. She smiles at him, and in that moment, she fell into a deep sleep. Ferdinand grabs a blanket and wraps it around her. He watches her a bit as she got comfortable. He couldn't help but think how pretty she is when sleeping. He smiles at her softly before he continues to watch and wait for his father to return.

Time skip (again, hopefully this won't happen again :)

It was now night, and Raf still hasn't returned. Ferdinand was sitting and was getting tired. He tried staying awake until his dad got home. Meanwhile, Teri was dreaming a wonderful dream. She was in a field, playing with the birds and butterflies around her. She laughed and giggled as a butterfly landed on her nose. Then, she hears two calling get name. Teri turns around and sees something that made her eyes wield with tears. A bull and a cow stood upon a hilltop. The cow hag dark caramel brown fur, dark hair, and has emerald green eyes. The bull was snow white with violet eyes and had some scars along his body, including one on his left cheek. At that moment, Teri immediately knew who they were. "Mom....Dad..." she muttered. She smiled brightly and started running towards them. The young calf went to her father first, running into his strong chest. She nuzzles him, with him returning it. Her mom joined in, and they did a group hug. "I missed you, both of you" she said, crying a bit. "We missed you too, Teri Bear" her mother said, giving her her nickname. Teri removes herself from the hug and looks up at her father. "I-I always wanted to meet, or at least see what you look like" she said. Her father chuckled and smiled at her. "That's what I heard. Your mom told me everything about you. Look at you, my you've gotten big. Your beautiful, just like your mom" her father said. Her mom chuckles and looks at her daughter, who now had a sad look on her face. She gives her a sad smile and said "listen, Terisa. I know things have been hard on you for the past month, several months actually. I never wanted to leave you, I wanted to be able to stay with you forever. But, it takes a lot of strength to fight back what you fear the most". "But, why did you have to go?" "I know it's hard for you to understand right now, but it's just like the plants and trees around us. When one thing falls, another grows. When something old withers away, something new and wonderful comes to life" "But-But I feel so alone" "You'll never be alone, Teri. We'll always be here with you". At that moment, Teri woke up to someone saying "Dad!"

She opens her eyes and sees Ferdinand climbing out of the stall. "Ferdinand, wait" she said to him, but he didn't listen. She gets up and starts to follow him. They go to the door of the stables, peek outside, and saw only an empty trailer, with no sign of Raf even there. They both have shocked and sad faces. "I called it" said a voice. Ferdinand and Teri turn around and see Valiente's father talking to them. "That bull was soft, and the soft ones always go down". The young calves looked at each other, not knowing what to do now. Then, a stable guy came in and saw the young calves out of their stalls. "Hey, what are you two doing out?" he said gently to them. They were starting to get scared as the guy tried to get them back in their stalls. Ferdinand sees the opened door, and both calves made a mad dash to it. "Hey, they're getting away" he calls to the other guy. Teri tried to keep up with Ferdinand, until she was caught by one of the men. "Ferdinand!" she shouted. He stops and looks back at her, terrified. "Teri!" he said back. Teri sees a couple more guys coming. "Go, Ferdinand, go, I'll be alright!" she shouted to him. Ferdinand was very reluctant to do so, he didn't want to leave her behind. "But, Teri -" "Don't worry about me, just go". Very reluctantly, he began running again, leaving Casa Del Toro. Teri had a sad look upon her face as she mutters "be careful". She hoped that he will be alright.

- whew, man that was a long chapter. Alright, in the next chapter, I'm going to be introducing another OC I created. Let me know what you guys think of this chapter. Y'all have a good day/night.

Love you Just the way you Are: Ferdinand Love Story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ