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Teri sat in her stable, watching the moon and stars once again from her window. She watched as the stars twinkled at each other, as if they were talking. She smiled a little, but then lead to a small frown. The cow could not help but let out a low sigh of sadness. Then, she felt something land on her back. She didn't have to look behind to know who it is, knowing very well it was Raymano. "Hey, Teri, what's up?" he asks her as he sits on her shoulder. "Not much, I guess" she said, not looking. Raymano goes up to the window to be face to face with her. "Come on, why the long face?" he said. Before she could say anything, he stopped her. "Wait, don't tell me, let me guess. You're thinking about him again, are you?" "It's that obvious, huh?" she said. She told her little bird friend everything about Ferdinand. From when they used to play together in the field, to helping him take care of flowers, to having fun conversations. She even told him of her feelings towards her old friend. Raymano nods his head in understanding. "Hey, chica, how about we turn that frown upside down. Just think positive, happy thoughts" he said, hoping to cheer her up. Teri sighs and said "I don't know, Raymano. It's been three years now. I'm starting to think that-" Before she could say anymore, the parrot interrupted her. "Woah, woah, woah. Hold it, right there. Is my friend speaking words of doubt? Who are you and what have you done with Teri?" Teri goes to say something, but once again "chica, don't let doubt take over your thoughts. Keep hoping and praying that he is alive and well, and that he's not in some chophouse and is now in a very special place" When he said that, the cow raised her brows at him. Realizing what he said, he added "disregard that last part. The point is, don't give up hope. If you believe he's still out there, then he's still out there. Who knows, he might be coming here right now to see that special cow, which is you". With that said, the frown on her face grew to a smile. "Atta girl, there's that smile. Besides, you got me and that goat Lupe, am I right?" he said. Teri chuckled and said "yeah, there is always you two"

When she first met Lupe at first, she wasn't sure what to make of the goat. But despite her thoughts, she walked up to her and chatted with her. They hit it off and they too became good friends. Raymano, on the other hand, was a bit of a skeptic when he first saw her. He honestly thought she was a little annoying. By annoying, she would sometimes take his stuff without asking, which irritated him so much. Thankfully she stopped that habit. But after a long, long while, he started to get to know her better and now they get along well, even though she gets on his nerves. Raymano's eyes lit up as an idea popped in his head. "Hey, why don't we go outside and stretch your legs a little, maybe go out in the field. That always cheers you up" Teri thought about it for a bit. She could move her legs for a while before she went to sleep. "That's a good idea, Ray, lets go" she said. "Magnifico, be with you in a bit" he said as he flew out of the window. She goes to the door and hears the latch unlock. She pushes it open and takes a deep breath of air. "Alright, let's get a move on, amiga" he said, landing on her shoulder. Before she took a step, she looks at the front of Casa Del Toro and sees a trailer up front. "Urgh! Just what we need, another bull around here" the cow muttered. "Just think, Teri, another bull for me to attack for you" said Raymano, flexing his claws. She chuckled and started walking to the field. Teri then over hears the other bulls bashing their heads, getting competitive with each other. She then hears the gate burst open, making the bulls go silent. Rolling her eyes, she continues walking, not really interested in seeing the new bull. At first, she kind of expected to hear him be all brash and show off, but boy was she wrong. She hears Bones say something she never thought she would hear. "Ferdinand, is that you?" he said. The cow stops moving. Did she hear him right? Was her mind playing tricks? "Ferdinand?" she said under her breath. "Teri, are you okay?" Raymano asked. She didn't hear him, as she goes to where the bulls were practicing, leaving the bird behind. Sure enough, standing before them, was the same black bull she knew since she was a kid.

Love you Just the way you Are: Ferdinand Love Story Where stories live. Discover now