sharp left turn

626 17 3

"How's your lemon meringue?" Dean asks me through a mouthful of cherries and pie crust.

"It's good." I say. The pie is great and all, but it's not a typical breakfast for me. Also, I'm slightly peeved as I eat it, due to the previous conversation between Dean and I.

"Look, Eddie ... I can see that you're mad at me, so I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said." He says, frowning slightly.

"You're right. You shouldn't have said that. It's not your place to worry about." I look over at him. "I'm only here so you can protect me, Dean. And right now, we have to find your brother first." I say, looking away from his green eyes. "What does it matter to you anyways?"

"Nothing." Dean clears his throat and pushes away his empty pie plate. "Nothing."

"Okay." I finish my pie, and Dean pays our bill.

"Where the Hell is Cas? He said he'd meet us here." Dean frowns as we both look around the diner.

"Dean, there he is." I say, pointing to a frazzled Castiel as the angel makes his way into the diner, beelining for our booth.

"Dean. Eddie." He nods at us both.

"Cas." Dean clears his throat. "Where's Sam? You've found him?"

"Yes." Castiel nods. "I have."

There's an awkward silent before Dean speaks. "Okay, so explain. Where is he?"

"With Ruby." Cas frowns.

Dean rolls his eyes. "And where are Ruby and Sam?"

"Come with me, and I'll show you." Castiel walks out of the diner and walks towards Dean's Impala, where he patiently waits while Dean and I walk out after him.

"Do you think the ghost at Eddie's school is linked to Ruby somehow?" Dean asks Castiel as we drive out of the diner's parking lot.

"It's not a ghost at her school." Castiel responds without any other explanation.

"Cas, you can't just say things. Most things need an explanation." Dean says. It's clear he's becoming irritated with Castiel. "How the Hell is it not a ghost? Sam and I know what ghosts are, and that thing is a freaking phantom."

"No, it's not." Castiel begins. "It's a minion of Ruby's, controlled by Ruby, to create all the signs of a ghost presence. But it's not, it's all her."

"Oh." Dean clears his throat. "Why would she do that? To lure Sam and I here?"

"Exactly." Castiel answers.

"Wait, so does that mean I'm not actually in danger? There's no ghost trying to hurt me?" I ask, feeling slightly hopeful.

"Well, you're correct in that there is no ghost trying to do you harm." Castiel says to me. "There's a demon trying to hurt you."

"Oh." I slump back in my seat. "Great. That's even better."

"No, it's actually a large amount worse." Castiel says.

"I know that, Castiel, it was sarcasm." I respond.

"Cas isn't great with sarcasm, Eddie, it's best to just not use it around him." Dean says with a sigh.

I laugh. "Okay. It's a good thing you've got plenty of sarcasm to go around for everyone."

Dean scoffs. "Who, me?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Eddie, you also have more than your own share of sarcasm. You don't need to borrow any from me."

I chuckle and shake my head, the awkwardness from our previous argument dissipating as our laughter fills the Impala.

"Dean, turn here. Left." Castiel suddenly calls out, causing Dean to jam on the brakes, grab the steering wheel, and cut across the road.

"Cas, where the Hell are you taking us?" Dean asks as we drive down a desolate road. Nothing surrounds us but rows and rows of pine trees.

"She's camped out in an abandoned cabin, in the middle of the woods." Castiel responds, and I shudder. Freaky.

"Well, that's stereotypically horrendous." Dean mutters sarcastically, and I laugh slightly. He glances over at me with a smirk and winks. "Don't worry, Eddie. If you get scared, I'll save you."

"Oh, get over yourself." I mutter, rolling my eyes. A faint smile slips out onto my face, and he laughs.

"What is there to get over? I'm great." He says.

"Oh yes, 'great'." Castiel pipes in from the back, adding finger quotations around the word "great".

"Congrats, Cas. After 102 tries, you've finally managed to use those finger quotes in context!" Dean hoots from the front, and I think I catch a glimpse of the angel in the backseat rolling his eyes.

"Eddie, what was it you told him just before?" Castiel asks, leaning over the seat.

"I told him to get over himself."

"Yes, great, thank you. Dean, get over yourself." Castiel mutters, then leans back and stares out the window.

Dean laughs and shakes his head. "Okay, bud. Well, how about you tell me ahead of time when I'm going to need to turn again?"

"Okay." Castiel mutters, still slumped against the window in the backseat. He waits a few more seconds before saying, "Stop the car, Dean." In a low, calm voice.

Dean jams on the brakes, and I grip the edge of the seat to prevent myself from moving off of it.

"Why, Cas?" Dean asks.

"We have to get out." Castiel says, opening up the back door and getting out of the Impala. I follow suit, with Dean getting out last. "We have to walk to the cabin."

"Oh great." Dean snorts. "So we have to walk to this abandoned cabin overrun by demons in these dark woods?"

"Yes. There are no roads that lead to it." Castiel sighs. "Are you scared, Dean?"

"No, I'm not freaking scared, Cas." Dean rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "I just would rather drive my baby than freaking walk." He walks to the back of the car and pops open the trunk, revealing a mass of different weapons. "Eddie!" He calls out to me. "You ever shot a gun before?"

I raise an eyebrow. "No, why?"

He shoves a rifle in my direction, along with a knife and a bag with something in it. "Well, first time for everything."

"Dean, I'm not shooting this!" I exclaim.

He turns around to look at me. "Why not? You scared?"

"Am I scared? Yes! I've never fired a weapon before!" I frown as I inspect the thing.

Dean sighs and shakes his head, then walks over, grabbing the gun from me. "It's simple, see? Here's the safety -- have this on at all times, unless you plan to shoot. Here's the trigger, don't touch that until the moment you're going to shoot. Then you just look, aim, and then finally, you pull the trigger and shoot. See? Easy." He hands it back to me after flipping a switch. "See, safety, on. Be careful."

I glare down at the shiny black beast. Dean and Sam were supposed to be protecting me, and now I'm getting an impromptu gun lesson from Dean? I mean, I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but I sure as Hell don't.

He grabs himself some weapons as well, then puts some more bags of stuff in the pockets of Castiel's trench coat. "Why doesn't Castiel get a gun? He can have mine!"

Castiel sighs and turns towards me. "Eddie, I am an angel of the Lord. I do not need a man-made weapon."

"Oh. Sorry." I frown and turn away from the angel.

"But, Cas, you've got to admit," Dean says with a laugh, "Those coat pocket of yours are great for holding stuff."

"Yes. Great." Castiel responds. "We better get going."

"Yeah, let's go." Dean agrees. We wait a moment, both Dean and I looking at the angel to see if he will start walking. "Cas, you have to lead the way. Eddie and I don't know where we're going."

Castiel doesn't respond, but he starts walking, leading us off the road, into the ditch, and finally, into the dark, spooky, demon-filled woods.

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