questioning the government

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Two more days passed before I saw Agents Mercury and Taylor again. Agent Taylor, I didn't mind. It was his partner that I didn't like.

Dumb Agent Mercury, with all his self-confidence and cockyness. It was as if he thought those pretty eyes were the only thing he needed to get girls to just drop in front of him.

As if.

I was packing up my computer when there was a knock at my door.

"Excuse me, Miss Mayville? Do you remember us?" Agent Taylor, or ... Sam, yeah, that's his name, calls out, a smile on his face.

I return his friendly smile and nod. "Yes, of course! Can I help the two of you again?"

"No, we're here to help you." The dreaded Dean's voice fills my classroom as he pushes past his partner to stand in front of my desk.

"What, are you two going to help me grade these Cleopatra essays? Because I could use some help." I laugh, stuffing the pile of paper into my binder and then into my backpack.

"Eddie, we have reason to believe you're in danger." Sam clears his throat. 

"Me?" I laugh. "Okay, for what? Did I overpark in my parking spot again? Did I accidentally throw my paper plate from lunch into the garbage instead of the recycling?" I roll my eyes. I'm not trying to be condescending or rude with my sarcasm, but really. What danger could a high school history teacher like me be in?

"No, we'll explain later. Just come on, let's go." Dean snaps, pointing towards the door.

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you trying to arrest me or something?" I ask.



"NO!" Dean yells again. "Just... come on. Get in the damn car, okay? We don't have all day before that crazy bitch shows up again, so come on."

What? I am so confused right now. I finish shoving the rest of my things into my bag and then follow the agents out of the school, to an old, black car. 

"Wait, so the FBI pays for you two to drive an old Impala?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Stop questioning the government and GET IN THE DAMN CAR!" Dean hisses out, to which I roll my eyes and slide into the backseat, Agent Taylor getting in the passenger seat in front of me.

"So now can you explain who or what exactly I am in danger of?" I ask as Agent Crab Ass (Dean) pulls away from the school, leaving behind my little green Jeep Wrangler in the parking lot.

I get a mixture of responses, because Sam says "Yes" while Dean shouts "No!"

"I think it's my ... um, right to know. And also know where you're taking me." I point out.

"I will tell you, Eddie." Sam says, turning around in his seat to look at me.

Dean starts to argue with him, and pretty soon they're arguing like a pair of brothers. How do they work together?

"Okay, so Agent Mercury's going to focus on his driving... " Sam begins. "And I will tell you what's going on, okay?"

"Okay." I pull my backpack closer to my chest so I have something to kind of lean on.

"Remember when we came in the other day, asking about the weird things going on with kids at your school, and then about Cathy Gerkins?"

"Yes. What, am I in danger of Cathy's ghost or something?" I ask, laughing and rolling my eyes.

"Yes." Sam says, causing me to stop laughing. 

"What? Are you two insane?" I look at Sam, blinking.

"No, but Cathy's ghost is." Dean pipes up, laughing to himself.

"Oh my God, Cathy's 'ghost' is not haunting the school, or whatever you think."

"Yes she is." Sam says. 

"The FBI doesn't investigate that kind of stuff unless you're Mulder and Scully, which you two are clearly not." I swallow the gulp in my throat. "Are you two even FBI agents?"

"No, but that's not important right now. Let him tell you about Cathy." Dean says, clearing his throat.

I look back to not-agent Taylor. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I ask.

He nods. "So, sometimes spirits are really really angry... and they can take control of other people, act out."


"And get back at the people they don't like very much. Turns out, Cathy Gerkins was on the voting board for the next principal, and she didn't want your pal Scott Evenson being in charge around here. She'd found out some dirt on Scotty boy and was planning on releasing it to the public, probably causing Scott to lose his shot at principal. Then, bam. Cathy Gerkins has a heart attack." Dean tells me before his partner can.

"So Scott killed her?" I ask.

"Yes." Sam nods. 

"And her ghost is after me?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, here's another thing you don't know." Dean laughs. "You are very special to Scotty." He laughs again.

Okay, sure, I've kind of always known that Scott's had a lame crush on me. He's never acted on it, and I never would have gone out with him, but it was kind of an office joke. Everyone knew. Even Cathy would have back then, I guess.

"So she plans on hurting me to hurt Scott? But I don't even care about Scott much." I watch Sam and Dean. "And what about the kids that got hurt? How does that work in?"

"Well, one of the girls was Scott's niece. Another kid, his neighbor. Another went to his church." Sam starts, and I realize how all of this does revolve around Scott.

"So if I'm not at school, then I'm not in harm's way?" I ask.

"Bingo." Sam sighs.

"Yikes." I mutter. "What can you do to stop this?" I ask. "I can't stay away from school forever, and things will just get worse, won't they?"

Sam nods. "Yes. Cathy was cremated, but we're going to have to get into her classroom."

"What?" I give him a look. "Those two statements have nothing to do with each other."

"Yes they do." Dean replies. Gosh, I wish he'd just focus on his stupid driving like he was supposed to instead of butting in all the time. "You have to burn the body to get the spirit to go away, but if something of them is left on earth, they stick around. So we think it's something in Cathy's classroom."

"You two aren't going to be able to get in there, I hope you know that." I say.

Sam smiles politely at me. "Besides us keeping you safe, Eddie... we have another use for you. You're going to get us into that classroom."

"Like hell I am! That's Tara's classroom now! Go ask her! I'm pretty sure that's illegal! You know, just like the fact you two are impersonating FBI agents!" I exclaim.

"Well no one else solves the cases, so we have to. And pretending to be FBI makes things a little bit easier. And excuse us!" Dean snaps at me. "Someone has to do the damn job, and we don't get paid, so you're welcome for our service!"

"You two do this all the time? Just two buds that travel the country?" I ask.

"Oh God no, I wouldn't be stuck with this idiot if he wasn't family." Dean rolls his eyes, gesturing to Sam.

Family? I thought they acted like brothers....

Sam turns around again. "Eddie, maybe we should properly introduce ourselves. My name is Sam, and this is my brother, Dean."

"So you're brothers... not Mercury and Taylor then either?"

"Afraid not. We're just the Winchesters."

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