Chapter One

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This was the night that would mark the beginning of change for Felicitas, of course she didn't know it at the time. She just thought that it was going to be another day out with friends.

She stood in front of her full-body mirror in her hallway, braiding the top of her head to turn her cotton pink hair into space-buns with a twist. She was going clubbing with her best friend Felix, she'd kept her outfit and makeup simple, a regular smokey eye and the classic little black dress. One would think that she'd get sick of the bar environment since she worked as a bartender, but she loved it and couldn't get enough of it, she thrived in the environment. She was almost 23 and people told her it was time to get an education so that she could get a real job, so she could have a family and all that. It wasn't however her plan at all. No, he plan was to have fun, save money and open her own bar, preferably in a warm country like Greece or Spain. Not get married, have kids and work a 9 to 5 job, something that shocked most people, especially older ones. Unlike Felix who studied to become a middle school teacher, had a stable relationship and wanted a whole football team of kids. She supported Felix in that dream as well as he supported her in her dreams, they both agreed that life was too short to spend it pleasing other people. You should always go after your dreams and live your life as you want to and that was what they both would do and support each other in. She was done with her hair right on time and popped her feet in her only pair of heels. She wouldn't have to run to the bus even though she walked fast. Felix would be pissed if she missed the bus, which she thankfully didn't.

"Hi." She greeted Felix when she got on the bus, he lived further away from the club than she did and was thus already on the bus.

"Hello there." He greeted back as she sat down next to him. "Nice spin on those double bun things." He said and pointed at her hair, she'd tried a new thing when mixing in the corn braids.

"It's called space buns." She pointed out before thanking him. They spent the bus ride having small talk about life and what had happened since the last time they saw each other. It felt a little weird to go clubbing without a warmup party. But they didn't have time since Felix and his classmates had a late class, but they were going to have fun anyway.

When they arrived at the club it took them awhile to find Felix's friends, once they did he introduced her and the one who stood out to her was a girl named Rachel, her dark brown curls framing her round face, so she sat down next to her and presented herself. Avoiding looking too much into her dark blue eyes.

"Was it Felicia?" Rachel asked, screaming in her ear, the music was so loud that it made conversation difficult.

"No, Felicitas" she screamed back in Rachel's ear.

"Felicitas?" Rachel doubled checked and Felicitas nodded. "Cool name!" She smiled.

"Thanks, it's from a Roman goddess." She answered, Felicitas was used to her name being mistaken for Felicia and there was a time when she didn't correct people, when she wished that Felicia actually was her name. That she didn't have an odd name. But that was when she was young, these days she liked having an odd name, it fitted her since she was quite odd herself. Felicitas and Rachel spent a while trying to small talk to get to know each other but it didn't really go very well due to the music so they decided to go and grab a drink each and then started dancing. The duo spent the rest of the night like that, grabbing drinks and dancing, until Felix came up to them and let them know that the club was closing. Disappointed they chugged the remains of their drinks as they walked toward the exit. Once outside Rachel reached out her phone toward Felicitas.

"Wanna give me your number?" She asks, her voice loud but gradually got lower. They'd gotten so used to the high music and that they had to scream at each other that it was easy to just keep talking in the same screaming voice. Felicitas nodded and took Rachel's phone while at the same time giving Rachel her own phone. With a few quick moves of their thumbs they'd put in their phone numbers in each others phone. As they traded back their phones they hugged goodbye and Rachel went off with one of the men in the group to get home.

"Got a new friend?" Felix said with a huge smile, he was happy that she got along with his new friends. She was an important and huge part of his life and now that both Felicitas and his girlfriend had met and gotten along with his new friends he felt relieved.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun." Felicitas yawned and smiled at the same time, the sun was coming up and she'd danced for hours. Due to her job as a bartender she was used to being up all night but she wasn't used to dancing.

"I'm glad to hear that." He said and put his arm around her shoulders. Felicitas phone beeped and she saw that she'd gotten a text from Rachel.

Thank you for tonight! I had so much fun. <3

Felicitas smiled and answered that she also had fun and hoped to meet again soon, pressing send just as the bus arrived. When she and Felix had found a seat she dropped her head on his shoulder and spent the entire trip half asleep on his shoulder. He shook her shortly before it was time for her to get off.

"Text me when you're home." Felix smiled at her before she stood up nodding and saying goodbye. If it wasn't for the fact that she could she her apartment complex from the bus stop Felix would've probably insisted on walking her home, he was overprotective of both her and his girlfriend and would never forgive himself if something were to happen to either of them. As soon as she'd closed the front door behind her she texted Felix, kicked off her shoes and walked straight to the bedroom collapsing on her bed. Exhausted but happy. 

AN: So, I'll post a new chapter everyday for 7 days, a total of 9 chapters, since I'm posting two today! Please, share, vote and comment, it would mean the world to me. Enjoy <3 

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