Chapter 27

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        Josh's eyes slowly start to open. His head is spinning and it's hard for him to get up.
         He couldn't move his body, and he can hardly speak.
        "Frisk...." Josh slightly says. "Anyone. The elevator is a killing machine,"
        His eyes dart around at the damage in horror.
       They are in a cave for some reason, which makes Josh confused. The flooring of the elevator dug into his back, which makes him uncomfortable. Huge rocks are smashed against the walls, almost as if someone placed them there.
       Torches are allied on the walls, each one exactly the same distance away from each other.
       Josh tries to get up. His whole body clenches in pain as he does, and he nearly falls over. Josh grabs onto one of the big boulders and tries to walk.
       "Frisk," Josh slightly calls out. "We have to go to the ambulance. Frisk?"
      Josh waits to see if Frisk was around, but she never came. He continues through the tunnel, hoping he could find help there.
      The tunnels are perfectly carved into a smooth surface, which makes Josh feel uneasy.
      "Who is here? And why are they right under a pizzeria?" Josh asks himself as he continues to walk on.
      Josh feels that someone is watching him, and he quickly turns around. No one is there.
     Josh walks a back to where he was a little. He sees a figure in the shadows.
      "Frisk, I know it's you," Josh calls out. "Come our already!"
     The figure in the shadows just seems to do nothing but glare at Josh.
     "You're not Frisk," Josh says. "Why are you following me?"
"Deep underground where memories sleep, anger is restless, secrets don't keep," the figure laughs out.
      "I'm going to leave now!" Josh says as he continues down the tunnel. "You can't stop me,"
      He stumbles over himself, but he continues to proceed through the tunnel, which makes the man tilt his head in amusement.
      The figure grins, his teeth showing and his smile was so big, Josh thought he was a whale for a second.
"Poor little child, lost in a maze of darkness," the figure says. "You can't stop me from my plans,"
      "Huh," Josh says in a confused tone. He pauses and stares at the figure.
      The figure only smiles deeper, which brings chills up Josh's spine.
"Don't worry child," the figure says as he steps into the torch light.
      He is wearing a purple uniform with  a purple cap. It almost seems that his skin is purple, which Josh finds weird.
     "You're the bus driver!" Josh calls out.
"Oh, you recognize me?" the purple man says, pretending to be charmed. "I can't wait to kill you, how should I kill you though; little boy? Should I stuff you in a suit or just get straight to the stabbing?"
      The purple man places his fingers on his chins, and happily thinks. Josh gives a horrified look at him as he tries to run away, only to fall over again.
"Come on, we were only getting to the good part," the purple man casually says as he grabs something else in the shadows.
        He pulls out a dead body that looks familiar to Josh. Her body is covered in bite marks, and some of her cloths were torn apart, almost as if a wolf did it. Her neck is snapped and blood gushes down her. Her pale and soulless face makes Josh want to cry.
       "Katie!!!" Josh yells out, trying to conceal his sadness.
"Such a pretty young girl.... you know her?" the purple man happily asks.
"What did you do to her?" Josh asks. His face boils up in rage.
"What I'm going to do with you!" the purple man laughs out as he slowly walks towards Josh.
Josh tries to get away, but he trips over himself, and he feels his body going limp.
"What's wrong, don't you want to play?" the purple man asks as he inches closer to him.
"Stop, please," Josh cries out. "Why did you have to kill her?"
"Haven't you ever wanted to do something for fun?" he asks as he creepily smiles towards Josh and takes out a long butcher knife.
"I have to keep going," Josh tells himself as he edges in into the tunnel.
He then sees something in the corner of his eye. A button on the wall. It was odd for the button to be there, but Josh has an idea.
He stops and turns around towards the purple man.
"Why aren't you killing me yet?" Josh asks him.
All he does is smile and proceed towards Josh, hungry to kill.
Josh quickly gives up, his body aching in pain, but he pulls though. He runs to the button and presses it, causing a giant door to come from the ceiling.
The purple man's eyes widen as he rushes over to the door and slides under it before the door completely closes.
"No!" Josh yells out as the purple man heads towards him.
"Why do you want to end our fun?" He asks. "I thought our relationship was going so well,"
"Leave, now!" Josh yells out.
"You don't know what happened those few months ago, nobody does," he whispers in Josh's ear. "She didn't deserve to die,"
He then stabs Josh in the stomach and Josh falls over; accidentally hitting the door button again, and trying to sustain his life.
"It's fun watching children die," the purple man says as he stabs Josh in the back. "I used to kill them very quickly, but it's fun torturing them too. Who knew?"
Josh looks up towards the laughing maniac. He closes his eyes to a time at the pizzeria.
"Josh!" A little girl calls out.
A young Josh runs over to her. His face full of glee and joy.
"Want to see Freddy?" Josh asks. "He and Bon Bon are going to do some tricks,"
"You know I can't go see any of the animatronics Josh," the little girl tells him. "My dad will yell at me..."
"Hey, kid," the security guard says to Josh. "Why don't you go play with the animatronics? I'm sure they'll love your company, but Elizabeth is staying here!"
"Okay..." Josh awkwardly says. "See ya later Elizabeth,"
"Bye Josh," Elizabeth calls out.
Josh opens his eyes and looks at the purple man.
"You were her father," Josh yells him.
"And you were the little boy that did nothing," the purple man says in an angry tone as he cuts Josh's neck.
Just then, the purple man gets hit in the head with a giant rock. He falls over and Josh looks up to see who it is.
"Frisk, you won't believe how happy I am to see you," Josh says.
"Finally someone is," Frisk says as she lifts Josh up. "We have to get out of here.
They continue down the tunnel, the purple man chases after them a few time, but since Frisk has his butcher knife, he stays in the shadows for a while longer.
"I see another elevator!" Frisk happily says.
They get inside the elevator and press the button.
It takes a while for the elevator to stop, but they made it in the kitchen.
"There's a secret passage and an elevator in the kitchen at the same time?" Josh asks Frisk.
"Yeah," Frisk answers.
"Are you hurt, little boy?" a voice asks.
"Ballora!" Josh surprisingly yells out. "Where's Logan?"
"You know her?" Frisk asks. "And she isn't trying to kill us?"
"Long story short, she thinks Logan is her son for some reason," Josh awkwardly tells Frisk.
"Okay..." Frisk says.
"He's this way," the ballerina happily says as she leads Josh and Frisk to him.
Along the way, the ballerina hears a noise and turns towards Josh and Frisk.
"Go to the scooping room," she tells them. "The room is down the hall, and to the left,"
She leaves them, and Josh and Frisk head on their way.
They go into the scooping room and look around the see the mini ballerinas. They glare at them with evil eyes, but then act like they weren't there.
"What did the purple man mean when he said I'm the little boy who did nothing?" Josh whispers to Frisk.
"I don't know," she whispers back. "Maybe they know about him,"
"We need to know about Logan first," Josh whispers to Frisk. "Excuse me, little ballerinas?"
They turn towards him and laugh, then leave the room, which makes Josh feel uneasy.
"Why are we even here?" Frisk asks Josh. "The ballerina probably lied to us and planned on killing us,"
"Why is there a golden bunny suit in here?" Josh asks Frisk.
Frisk gives a confused look at the suit, then turns towards Josh.
"Who knows, maybe their tired of their puny little bodies and decide to merge so they can become stronger," Frisk tells Josh.
The mini ballerinas laugh again, but this time, they're at a button pad.
       "What are they doing?" Frisk asks Josh.
       "They're going to scoop us," Josh says in a scared tone as he looks back towards the door. "And Logan is inside of the bunny suit,"
        "I'll get the bunny suit," Frisk says to Josh as she rushes over to it.
      She grabs the suit and starts to head back to Josh.
      Josh opens the door, and the scooping machine strikes towards them.
      "Look out Ketchup Boy!" Frisk yells out as she tackles Josh, the scooper nearly getting him.
      "Thanks," Josh says to Frisk.
      Frisk only nods and grabs the bunny suit again. They leave the room and close the door; just when the scooper strikes again.
       "We need to get out of here," Josh tells Frisk.
       Frisk grabs Josh and leads him to the exit. Lucky for them, Ballora was distracting the other animatronics from noticing them.
       When they make it to the door, they suddenly realize something terrible. The doors are still locked.
       "Grab a chair," Josh weakly tells Frisk.
        Frisk does so and smashes the glass doors to pieces, only to hear the sound of a siren.
       "Did you call the police while you were hanging out with your boyfriend Ketchup?" Frisk asks.
      "No, I don't know who did though," Josh coughs out.
      The blood is gushing out of his throat as he starts to choke.
      "Oh no," Frisk sadly says as she picks up Josh's body and brings him outside. She drags the yellow suit out to and opens the faceplates to see Logan passed out.
       The police come, and they surround the building.
       "Freeze!!!" The police yells as they point their guns at Frisk.
       Frisk slowly gets up and places her hands in the air. The headlights of the police car blinded her eyes and she tilts her head away from the car.
       The manager of the pizzeria comes out, with a scared, and angry look on his face.
      Another person comes out of the car, which makes Frisk snort a little.
      "There are killer animatronics in that pizzeria!" Crystal calls out. "They almost killed my friends just now!"
      "Looks like 2 of them need to go to the hospital," one of the cops call out as the ambulance appear.
      Josh looks up to see Crystal. He smiles, knowing that she does care.
      "The manager has also been hiding the files for missing children, like Maddison!" Crystal confronts.
     "No, that never happened!" The manager claim as the police put handcuffs on him. "These children wrecked my pizzeria!!! You should be arresting them, not me!!!"
      "The animatronics are dangerous in there!" Crystal points out. "This place needs to be shut down!"
       The ambulance come and hoist Josh and Logan into a medical table. Josh watches Crystal talks to the cops.
       "I knew you cared," Josh happily says before her blacks out.
       He feels like he's there, but he can't move or do anything. But knowing that Katie is dead makes him feel really sad. Like a hole in his heart is empty.
       "Don't worry sir," he hears a medical attendants says. "You'll be okay,"

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