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The better part of me waited for Lucifer to descend back to Hell before asking Dawn his intentions in the whole ordeal. I was merely told that the Creators know far more than they can say. They are only guides in the game of war and cannot provide much information as it could hinder the future. When a person is on a path headed in one direction to escape harsh realities the last thing they want is to be headed off by the one they are trying to avoid. If Lucifer was to give any other information, Phillip could easily take another path. There would be an unlimited possibility and each time put us back at square one.

After her concise explanation, I thanked her for her time. I needed to plan a meeting with the leader of the fae council on Earth. There was something more to Isaac now that I had spoken to the King of Perdition. So, what if the man's spirit was being held in Hell, I needed to know about his past. I had nothing that belonged to him, so no way to link. My simple theory was slowly unraveling. So much for believing this was an in and out kind of job. There were so many twists and turns that I was afraid of the outcome.

Lucifer had suggested making contact with the vessel. Was this a rabbit hole that I wanted to go down? Connecting with a living being, not lost or hidden, had catastrophic ends if the link was found. I had been lucky with James, he was already connected to Dawn, and she was able to let him know that I meant no harm before he moved from one path to the next. There was only one person that could provide something that belonged to Phillip. The older, the better, to be honest, I did not need to jump dead center on his current timeline. I needed to be able to see those thirty years that are currently unknown. The influential part of his life that nobody has seen or heard of.

I tucked my briefcase under my arm and walked across the courtyard towards my apartment. The meeting had been beneficial, even if Dawn had taken the credit for introducing us. I opened the door to the building and stepped briskly towards the elevators. I needed to get upstairs and add to my notes before I began to forget the conversation.

I fear this is the point of the story where I set the record straight. It is not that I forget, it is more like I subconsciously file away any conversations. This includes memories, visions, links, people; anything that could connect me to another life. I had learned long ago that if I did not file the thoughts away, they would begin to run my life. I would continue to have the dreams, keep walking in the shoes of the people I had helped. I did not want it, nor need it, so as time has passed and my own memories begin to become hazy, I have started to catalog. First in my journal and then on the computer.

I was about to step into the elevator when I heard my name being called from the lobby. I turned just as Aaron came to a stop about six feet in front of me. He wore his signature suite, which was always far above what I could afford, and an odd smirk on his face.

"Garret," he said with a hint of enthusiasm.

"Good morning Aaron," I answered with confusion.

I had met the guy only a handful of times before the link with Elizabeth's past. He seemed all right, but even I was wary of the Incubi. There is just something untrustworthy about a being that can cause a person to hallucinate a lost lover.

"Dawn mentioned that you had some information," he was salivating to know more about what we had seen.

"Yes, I am about to add some additional notes, and will type everything up tomorrow from the lab." I fidgeted.

"Great." He let out a heavy sigh.

"Is there a rush or something?" I asked disappointed that my elevator was officially gone.

"No, no rush." He laughed. "It's just; your gift is so unusual. I have never met anyone quite like you before."

I looked around the large hallway towards the lobby.

Jumper (Wardens Legacies - Ancient Blood IV)Where stories live. Discover now