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Reading the past life of Elizabeth Bradly had drained Priscilla. I was able to get her to eat, but her body was so worn from the projection that she instantly fell asleep. I had carried the teen to her room and placed her in bed, making sure to cover her. I wish that I knew the reason for her gift, or why it fit so perfectly with mine. I let out a sigh and grabbed my notebook from my briefcase. I had to write out the thoughts I had heard before they became jumbled and nearly forgotten.

The first scene had shown both Elizabeth and Sheridan sitting at a table. While the image had projected without the words, I was able to read the thoughts of both women in the scene. The blonde was Sheridan, the woman known to become the Hybrid Queen, and the other was Elizabeth. Both of them hungered for the same thing, complete control of the supernatural world by eliminating human existence. They believed that the Earth would flourish if it were only inhabited by the beings with some sort of power. They also knew that to make it a possibility they had to get rid of all pure-blooded creatures and fight off the Celestial forces of both Heaven and Hell.

Since neither of them wanted to rule under the other, they made a pact. Sheridan would secure the world by any means necessary and rule for at least a century, and Elizabeth would rule for the following century. They would pass the world back and forth ruling as a unit and not as an individual. The thing is, Elizabeth did not know that Sheridan had no intention of sharing the world with her new comrade. Instead, she planned to hold out as long as she could, until the perfect opportunity came where she could eradicate the witch instead of allowing her to take a seat on the very same throne.

So, my notes went as follows:

Subject One: Sheridan – The Hybrid Queen

Rule Period: Mid 1800s to 2000s

Cause of Death: Death by Warden

Sheridan came to power shortly after the poisoning of Elizabeth Bradly. The two women conspired a plan to share the ruling of a new world. Sheridan, who had far more firepower and influence with the underground, promised to deliver a perfect world to Elizabeth within a century. To seal the deal, Elizabeth would drink a rare poison, concocted of demonic magic and allow it to eat her slowly for the next fifty years. Sheridan only decided to initiate the deal based on Elizabeth's prior reputation. While Sheridan was favorable amongst the creatures of the underground, Elizabeth had created a reputation of sucking the power from those that opposed her. Sheridan believed that when it came to ruling a new world, she was better suited for the job than Elizabeth. Her intentions became to hold the throne as long as possible. If she were alive and in charge, Elizabeth Bradly would not be able to walk on the Earth again. The contracted deal between the two women stated that Elizabeth's contract would void only if Sheridan found final death before procuring the world as her own. (Which as we all know is exactly what happened).

Subject Two: Elizabeth Bradly – The High Witch

Rule Period: None

Cause of Death: Knife to the Throat

Elizabeth, being naive to the deception of the Hybrid Queen took the poison with only a slight hesitation. She knew that it only gave her fifty years more of life, yet she thought she could find a way to outsmart the Queen. To some degree, I suppose that she did. Approximately twenty years after consumption of the poison Elizabeth tracks down the Demon, Isaac. *Note to self: Speak with Lucifer concerning the unknown Demon. * Inside a worn-down Tavern on the poorer side of New York mid to late 1800s Isaac offers Elizabeth sixteen more years to tie up loose ends. His deal states that once Elizabeth finds certain death her soul would be entrusted to him for a brief period of time, before the contract returns the core to her to use in her spiritual form. In the fine print, and thought quite harshly by the Demon, it stated that she would be powerless. This meant that the High Witch would need to create a vessel in which to store her power. She would be unable to hide her magic in any other being but the spawn of her own loins.

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