Chapter 3 - Tonight

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We entered the restaurant together while holding hands and I saw a beautiful sight that made me shed a few tears. I saw the whole Weasley family gathered at one table. George was there with Angelina. Percy was there with his wife Audrey. Bill and Fleur were seated at the end of the table but the little Victoire wasn't there. Ginny was there with Harry and she was now heavily pregnant. Molly and Arthur were seated in the middle and they greeted me with a warm smile and a comfortable embrace.

Everyone was dressed formal which made me think about what was going to happen tonight. The boys were all dressed in black suits with white button downs and different coloured ties except Harry who had a purple suit and a black button down. The girls were all wearing dresses and It didn't make me fell out of place. I was wearing a short and classy black dress. Angelina was wearing a long and flowy white dress. Audrey was wearing an elegant and tight dark green dress. Fleur was wearing a short and simple light blue dress. Ginny was wearing a long and beautiful deep purple dress.

When I finished crying and hugging everyone of my second family, I noticed a familiar platinum blond hair head, well I saw two. I saw Draco eating at a table not far from the one we were sitting at. I was happy to see them until I heard Ron whisper in my hear that this night would be perfect if the ferret and his death-eater family weren't there. I didn't respond at his inappropriate comment and I waved at them discretely and they waved back as equally discretely. Draco winked at me before he went back to his food. Someone took my hand gently, making me sit on my chair. I was extremely happy to see them all of them. Ron surely knows how to plan surprises. I thought this was the only surprise for the night.

"Merlin, it's been such a long time, hasn't it. I am so happy to see you all." I said with an enormous smile on my face.

"It's great to see you too Hermione." Molly said

I sat at the table with Ron besides me, on my right and Ginny on my other side, the left side. I ordered the kale salad with quinoa and chicken breast. Ron ordered the fettuccine alfredo. George took the mushroom risotto and Angelina took the same thing as him. Percy took the chicken breast with roasted potatoes and a squeeze of lemon. Audrey decided to take the same meal as me. Bill took the chicken bowl with butternut squash, quinoa and other toppings, Fleur decided to order the same thing as Bill. Ginny ordered the same salad as me. Harry took the pasta with roasted vegetables. Molly took the margarita pizza to share with Arthur.

Once the food arrived, we started eating immediately because we were obviously starving. In the first minutes of the meal, all you could hear was the sounds of cutlery and eating. Somehow, after, Bill broke the ice and we all chatted happily. We caught up about what had happened since the last time we saw each other. The subjects went from Victoire's behaviour at home, some very funny work incident and to the state of romance and friendship in the family. This dinner was beautifully planned and I was happy the whole time and all my worries had left me. I thought this was the surprise, a lovely family dinner with the Weasley's but I was wrong incredibly wrong. My anxiousness faded away during dinner.

When we were finished, the waiter took away our plates and gave us the dessert card. I wasn't completely full so we all settled on a dessert to order. I took the apple and strawberry pie. Ron decided to take the simple apple pie. George ordered the tiramisu and Angelina decided to take the gelato bowl. Percy had the berry cheesecake that he shared with his wife, Audrey. Bill took the lemon curd terrine with pie crust and meringue. Fleur ordered the crème brûlée. Ginny ordered a carrot cake with a soft cream cheese frosting. Harry decided to order the chocolate cake with rich chocolate frosting and raspberries. I was licking my lips just at the thought of our desserts. The waiter had a perfect timing and we dived into our desserts.

We talked about quiddictch and I surprisingly enjoyed the conversation. We talked about life mostly. We were finished and the sweet meals were taken away from us. Everyone started to look at Ron and now I knew something was going on. I was afraid that my worst fear had come true. I was going to ask about what was happening but George beat me at it before I could say anything.

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