You Are My Light

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Yoongi P.O.V
So I guess everyone is wondering where I have been? Well I was in New York City trying to get a full time job at a record company. I mean I better start planning. I mean with Jin and Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook, Hoseok and Tae. 2 of these couples are having Kids and probbaly not long until Hoseok and Tae have one either, so I started looking. They told me I had a 100% Of getting into the recording company, so I was very pleased. I was still at New York at that moment, but went back to Seoul after I heard the shocking news that Jin had given birth 2 months prior to the date, so I hopped on the earliest flight i could take. Whilst, I was on the plane this specific guy grabbed my attention. His smile was gentle and his laugh was amazing! Wait, what am I saying I like girls and I only like badass people. I don't know what happened but he decided to sit next to me, next thing you know we were making out on a PLANE! WTF, I DONT KNOW THE BLOKE AND WE WERE SUDDLENY MAKING OUT? I am so confused about my sexuality, so the Man and I gave each other our phone numbers and I told myself I would discuss this with Jin because he is practically the Eomma of the house and now an Eomma to his own child. I don't know, why but as soon as the man left, my heart jumped a step of a pace, like it wanted to reach out to him?! Why am I sooooooooo confused?

Hoseok P.O.V
I woke up the next morning seeing Taehyung sleeping on the couch, with those beautiful lips that would make anyone fall for him. He looked so peaceful when he slept. My skin jolted with goosebumps as Namjoon and Yoongi walked in my room, wait where has Yoongi been all this time?
"Yoongi where have you been?"
"New York"
"Wait why did you go there?" Namjoon and I said at the same time.
Yoongi shrugs and just says "I'm looking for another job at another recording company as you are all together with couples and I'm still alone, plus Namjoon and Jin have their own child now and Jimin and Jungkook are still waiting for there's, then there is you and Taehyung your probbaly going to have a kid soon."
"Yoongi, calm down, yes we are all settling down now with our lovers, but it doesn't mean we won't loose contact with you. You will always be our friend. Good luck with your new job if you get it and you will definently find your lover, I feel it in my heart.
"Thank you guys" Yoongi said while sobbing, whilst Namjoon and I pulled him into a big squeezy hug.
"So Namjoon, I guess you came to visit me, and Yoongi why did you come back early?" I asked politely.
"Well Jin went into Labour earlier then expected and I called Yoongi about it, so then he came down. I was going to visit yesterday, but we had the Jin issue and then I told Yoongi about your problem" said Namjoon.
"Oh, so did the baby survive?"
"Yes and Jin and I named him Kim Joonie!" Cooed Namjoon with tears in his eyes. I guess he is still that emotional wow.
"Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore, where here for you Hoseok!" Said Yoongi whilst earning a smile from Namjoon.
"Thx. So I don't want to tell you why I'm here because, actually I don't think Tae, wants me to tell anyone. I'm sorry guys but I'll be discharged tomorrow."
"That's Great! Is Tae  going to wake up any soon?"
"Probbaly not, lets let him rest because he hasn't been sleeping for the past 2 nights"
"We should get going Jimin and Jungkook are coming to see you later on, which is in about half an hour, so they should have been on the road an hour ago, well bye, good luck" Namjoon and Yoongi told me.
"Bye boys" I smiled waving them out.

Jimin P.O.V
In the car-
I dont know why but Jungkook keeps giving me this glare that's making me tense up really quickly. I had to ask.
"Kookie, are you ok?"
As soon as I said those 4 words he pulled the car over and rested his hand on my thigh, whilst his other hand cupping my stomach.
"Jimin, I know we're getting married in 1 more month, but do you want to maybe go on an early trip, to relieve your stress?" He asked me.
"Kookie, I know your trying to help me relieve the stress but we need to stay here for the guys, especially Tae and Hoseok!"
"CHIM, IF YOU KEEP ON PUTTING THIS PRESSURE ON YOURSELF YOUR GOING TO BE MORE STRESSED AND WE MIGHT NOT MEET OUR CHILD!" Jungkook yelled at me. I could tell he was now stressing, but not as much as me since I automatically started crying. Great there goes the hormones of being pregnant.
"Omg, CHIM, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it baby" he says as he cupped my face. I believe he didn't mean it because who could not see the the truth ness in his eyes and that bunny smile of his. I pinched his cheeks and slightly gave him a peck on the lips and cheek as I told him to start driving to the hospital again to meet Hoseok and Tae. Whilst driving my thumb made contact with his knuckles as I rubbed my finger over the hard bones in his fingers. He was definently stressed. Sometimes I thought he might be more stressed than me. I wondered?

Yoongi P.O.V
I was sleeping on the couch at home alone because Namjoon stayed with Jin and Tae stayed with Hoseok, then obviously the Jikook Couple went to see Tae and Hoseok. I was relaxing and watching the tv until my phone pinged. Omg it was from my so called crush, yes I still didn't except him as my crush yet. I looked down and he wanted to meet up. My heart was literally fluttering right now.

Future Boyfriend 🧐💚
Hey, um you still don't know my name, but do you want to meet up, by the way my name is Zedd. (No not the famous Zedd, just saying😂) so meet up at the corner cafe at 11am. K bye! ;)

I couldn't believe It so I instantly replied telling him yes. I think he might be the one!

A/N- sorry if this was a short chapter it's just the first term of school ended last week and I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep, I mean idk why but Year 9 just takes a lot out of me! Hope you guys and girls are doing well. See ya next chapter! xoxoxo

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