Why Did It End Up This Way?

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Before I start thank you for all your support xoxoxo

6 months later

Tae P.O.V
I woke up to the blinding light outside my window, like every morning. I turned my back away, then realised where was Hoseok? I got up immediately and ran straight to the end of the Hall bathroom banging in the door thinking he might of been in there, but all I got out of that was just Jungkook telling me to go away as Jimin wasn't well that morning. I ran away embarrassed until I heard soft sobs coming from the kitchen. As soon as I ran towards the kitchen, I was shocked to what I saw.
Blood! Blood was everywhere and there was Hoseok lying on the ground covered in it. He had stabbed himself. Why? I quickly rung the ambulance straight away, telling them to get here really soon because I can't live without him.
"Hello, what's your emergency?"
"My boyfriend..h..he stabbed himself and is covered all over in blood"
"Sir, stay calm please I have just brung an ambulance out. What is your address?"
"My address is number 4 on May Drive!"
"Ok, thank you our ambulance should be there in around 10 minutes, is his pulse still beating?"
"Fagley , just please let him be ok. I can't live without him in my life"
"We cannot guarantee sir, but we will try our best just don't leave him and stay calm"
With that the lady hung up, leaving myself holding onto his whimpering body, that was soon becoming cold. As soon as I heard the sirens my heart dropped, thinking this was probbaly the end for him. I went with the ambulance to bring Hoseok to the hospital. Luckily the others didn't hear the commotion, but I'll tell them tomorrow morning.

Authors P.O.V
"JINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" Namjoon screamed at the top of his lungs when he didn't wake with his Hyung next to him. But then he rembered the bathroom. And The Baby. He is probs in the bathroom.
Namjoon checked but wasn't there, but then decided to check the place where his heart and soul was, the kitchen. From there I heard quiet sobs coming from that area.
"Jin! Why are you huddled in a corner"
"Rm, Tae....Hoseok...he..."
"Shhh, your ok I'm here" Rm says as he places his index finger on Jin's trembling lips. Rm was about to cuddle up with him until Jin finally said
"Hoseok stabbed himself and Tae doesn't know why, And now Hoseok's live is on the line. Shit, rm thought as he saw his baby crying and hitting his chest.
"Jin look at me" Jin lifted his head towards rm's with his read puffed eyes.
"We will visit him tomorrow, ok? They probbaly need time, we will inform the others and go baby shopping. K?
"Ok, now come here and give me a big sloppy kiss and hug. Jin laughs at his lovers words and does what he says.
After they informed the others about Hoseok and Tae. They all agreed on visiting tomorrow aswell and Jimin and Jungkook wanted to be involved in baby shopping too today. So we gradually said yes and planned the fathers would talk and the mothers would go baby shopping.

Namjoon P.O.V
At the cafe-
"Ahhh, I love our husbands"
"I know right Namjoon" Kookie said flustered.
"Are you sure you are ready to be a Father, I mean your only 20. But, look at me and Jin I'm 24 and he is 26, that's completely fine. So are you sure your ready? I don't want this to pressure you!"

Jungkook P.O.V
Those words stung my heart. Namjoon made it sound like I wanted leave him so I answered him back with no hesitation as my face became redder and redder until I would suddenly burst.
I could tell Namjoon was in shock he had never seen this side of me. Everyone thinks I'm so nice and innocent. Well actually I can be a bad ass sometimes, even in bed ;) (sorry couldn't help it) . With that I walked out with Namjoon trailing behind me.

Jin P.O.V
"Jimin, do you think this is cute?"
"Omg, that's so cuteeee Hyung, I'd love to see your little bubba dressed in that cute outfit".
"I just remembered I don't know the gender still because Namjoon wanted it to be a suprise!?"
"Jungkook wants the same Hyung, but that doesn't mean we can't look?"
"Your right, Jimin. I'll start in the boy area"
"K, I'll then start In the girl area" Jimin walked away as he giggled to himself quietly.
As soon as I started walking I could feel this type of pain like if a girl had period cramps only 30 times worse. I started wincing in pain and fell to my knees cradling my round stomach, don't tell me this thing was already coming? That's to early it's dangerous, isn't it? I was on the verge of tears as Jimin turned around.

Jimin P.O.V
As soon as I turned around Jin was on the floor whimpering and wincing in pain. I took out my phone running over to him and started ring to Namjoon.

Namjoon P.O.V
"Jungkook I know you will be a good father good luck. Forgive me?"
"Of course I do"
My phone urgently started buzzing straight after Jungkook and I soughted things out. WTF? ITS JIMIN? HAS SOMETHING HAPPENED?
"Jimin, why are you ringing what happened?"
"Jin is going into labour early! I'm driving him to Seoul National Hospital right now, meet you there" and with That Jimin Hung up.
"Kook we have to go NOW! "
"Jin's gone into Labour earlier than expected" I said as we rushed towards my car. I could see in Jungkooks face that he wanted to protect Jimin now and be close to him just in case. I drove off at a high speed not caring if I get booked or not, this was my kid and Jin we are talking about here. They both can't leave me.

Taehyung P.O.V
"Please wake up, I beg Hoseok, please"
Before I walked away I felt a cold grasp on my wrist and a voice-
He was finally awake after all these hours of waiting which seemed like years to me. I did what anyone would do, I suddenly pulled him into long hug and a passionate kiss which was filled with so much love. Hoseok suddenly pulled away from me, why I thought?
"Tae, why didn't you tell me, about....your dad. Disowning you and calling you disgusting and an idiot because you were gay. Tae he said he was going to hurt me!"
"Hoseok listen I'll tell you, but listen carefully ok?" I said as I sat on his hospital bed. He gave me the ok thumbs up" so I begun.

A/N- hmmmm this keeps on getting interesting and more interesting!
I don't know why but I'm not putting questions here today! I'm so evil! Mwahaha! Only jokes! Thx for all your love and support. Also I wanted to tell you about myself. I'm 15 and live in Australia, oh and I'm a hard shipper for Jikook obviously. I do support gay and lesbians rights. I am a female. There you go guys!
Bye for now enjoy the reading. xoxoxo

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