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The week went by quickly, the lessons have been growing more difficult for the boys, my phone being bombarded with messages and calls. I took time with them all, making sure they weren't getting too overwhelmed with the complexity with the lessons. They were practicing more each day, it was noticeably taking toll on them. Yoongi was getting grumpier and started to fall asleep during lessons, Jimin was seemingly paying attention but I'd have to repeat multiple times. Jungkook, though, began to get frustrated with himself over the fact he couldn't keep up or retain information.

It tugged at my heart. I don't want any of the boys to suffer learning, I understand that they're preparing for a comeback, but the comeback might hold a higher importance than the language as of now.

"Hey, relax. You're doing great." I gently tapped the back of Taehyung's hand as he used the other hand to wipe a tear from his eyes. "Listen, don't worry about the new information for now. We've worked hard enough on new info this week, just do some studying, try to retain the new information to the best of your ability. Okay?" Taehyung only nod and I took the new papers from him, putting them back into the folder. Everyone was stressed. Namjoon held a stoic face, Jin was lacking any sort of appetite or joking manner, and Hoseok wasn't radiating sunshine with his smile.

I took my bag and walked towards the music, standing in the doorway as the group danced, repeating steps over and over. Occasional bickering would echo in the mirrored room, making a small frown form on my face. I walked into the room and sat on the floor by the wall, going completely unnoticed by any one in the room. They'd begin moving again, giving each other criticism and tips, carrying forth through the music. I listened through the music, watching the movements and hearing the soft vocals through the practice.

They completed a song and I clapped softly, watching them turn towards me. "You guys are really talented, this is a beautiful album." I smiled and crossed my legs in front of me. Jimin and Hoseok glanced to each other then looked at the others.

"We keep messing up at the chorus." I looked over to Jungkook who was shaking his head and wiping sweat from his neck. "Some of us can's seem to get the footing down."

"Hey, you guys are incredible. Breathe." Jungkook scoffed and I refrained from rolling my eyes as I stood up. "Let's see the part you're worried about." Jungkook looked towards me with a blank expression, leading towards the front from the start of the chorus. I watched the dance and the profiles, noticing a flaw in Seokjin's footing. I pointed towards him and motioned for him to come forward. I moved down and looked at his shoes. "Why are you moving like that?"

I lifted the edge of his pant leg, noticing his swollen ankle and sighed softly. "It's nothing." He walked back from my hand away and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon came to us, looking down at me near Jin's feet.

I sighed silently and shook my head. "Nothing that can't be taken care of with a little attention." I stood to my feet and smiled at Jin, taking his arm gently and walking to my office. I closed the door once we got inside, directing him towards the couch. "So, Jin, are you allergic to anything?" I took a box from the drawer of my desk, sitting down on the floor in front of the boy.

"Peanuts?" He said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

I laughed softly and tilted my head. "Are you sure about that?" He nod and looked at the box. "Will you trust me?" I smiled and took his shoe from the swollen leg, sliding his sock off as well.

"I don't know.. Aren't you just a teacher?" I ignored his slight rude comment and opened the box. In the box homed a variety of dried herbs and tinctures, wraps, bandages, tissues and cleansing wipes.

I took a wipe and cleaned from the top of his ankle down to the sole of his foot, tossing it into the trash by the door. "This looks pretty bad, like it's been swollen for at least a week or two now. You do make sure that you stretch properly before dancing, right?" I looked up and found the boy nodding as he watched me tend to his ankle. I rotated the ankle slowly in my hands, feeling the tightness. "Do you really?"

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