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Before beginning, I'd like to mention that this is along similar lines of my prior story Being His Tutor/Language of Love.. but I deleted it because I felt like there was an overload of info and progressing too slow ㅠㅠ. And to make this simple, the main story after this chapter will be based on living in Korea, speaking Korean every day, etc. But in this chapter, imagine English as the main language. For when Korean is spoken, it will be bold. And in the following chapters, it will be English that is bold.

THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN BEFORE LEARNING HOW I PREFER IT—I'll do an edit whenever this story is finally finished. Reuploading June 21, 2022.


I laughed softly as I finally found the necklace that I was arguing with my best friend about, trying to tuck it gently into the zipper pouch of my suitcase. "You're right. It definitely was in my underwear drawer. Isn't it a bit sad that you knew that before I did?"

I sat on the last suitcase as it was laid on my bed, trying to zip it shut although I was in an awkward position from holding my cellphone between my head and my shoulder. "I can't believe you doubt me. All these years and you think I wouldn't know you? But I still don't understand why you're going to Korea all by yourself. You guys just broke up this morning. Why don't you wait to decide until after the graduation ceremony tomorrow night? You're upset. It's completely understandable, but I'm worried about you."

A small smile spread across my lips, listening to my best friend worry about my, most likely, rash decision after such an incident. "The thing is.... My flight is around 11. I'm hoping that the ceremony doesn't push past 8, that might make me run a little late." I slid backwards off my suitcase, laying on my bed with my legs laying on it. I stared up at the ceiling, sighing softly. "Maybe this is better for me. I just hate that I'm leaving people here."

"Don't worry about any of us, we can take care of ourselves. Make sure you do only what you want to do. We all love you and want you happy." I smiled and gave a short bitter laugh through the phone.

"All, my ass. I've been living for myself for a while now, and it hasn't done anything but make someone damn upset." I released an angry sigh as I closed my eyes to relax myself again. "But I'm not going to let anyone interfere with my wishes. I'll do what I have to just to make sure."

"Vi, I still think you're strong, but I think you're a unicorn or some sort of mythical creature, too. There's no way that there's still people that believe in that sort of 'one-and-only' love." I listened to him ramble through the phone and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I know that I'm not going to find a fellow virgin that is going to just spontaneously fall in love with me. But I want to find someone that will know I felt a connection enough to do so." I laughed loudly to myself, moving the phone from my ear and then back as I opened my eyes to the ceiling again. "If someone heard me, they'd probably think I was a nun, stop making me seem weird."

He laughed through the phone, a smile sneaking its way across my face. "Violet, if they looked at you, they'd know you're definitely not 'old-days-kind-of-religious'. But you should rest, spend the day with your family tomorrow and then come early to my apartment so we can go and have dinner before the ceremony!"

I nodded, although well aware of the fact that he couldn't see the action. "See you later." I cooed at him through the phone and hung up before he could scold me for not saying 'love you'.

I hugged the boy tightly, feeling tears threaten to streak mascara down my cheeks. I pulled back and looked at his face, watching him wipe his nose with a crumpled tissue. "Why do you have to worry about looking so beautiful? You not crying makes me feel like you're not going to miss me, you twat."

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