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Today was the day.

The Finals.

The roars of the crowd seemed much more like static noise to me.

I ignored my teammates, I know they're only concerned since I could become a burden with me closing up like this.

And that's just what I'm going to do, I want to test them, though I know what they said two months ago will be true.

The thing is, I'd rather live in the streets, knowing I'd thrive in there, they did say survival for the fittest right?

The thrill of playing, swinging the bat or even catching the ball was no longer there, I've been benched for a while, they were going to use me as their trump card.

I was tired from all the training, I barely slept since I was planning on where to go, gathering up money and working over time.

You already know the outcome.

We lost, I didn't do my signature move, instead I just gave a regular swing and walked to the next plate, ignoring the screams of my coach.

If they ignore my screams and cries then why should I listen to theirs?

Once the game was over I walked through the hallways, I made sure all my stuff was here so in case  they don't let me in the house I won't have to go through the trouble of breaking in.

I barely flinched as I was suddenly slammed into the wall, my dull eyes staring into fiery multicolored ones.

"How could you lose?!" I didn't say anything, I was too tired, I watched him let me set my feet onto the floor but he didn't let go.

"You are not my brother. My brother would have given it his all and won!"

This time I spoke, voice deep and a bit hoarse, "And you are not my brother. My brother would have been beside me, comforting me from my loss, atleast giving me a pat on the head!" I snarled, my outburst making him let go from shock.

"Since when did my brother took dad's motto seriously? That winning was everything? So much that even if one of your family lost you'd disown them for being weak?!"

I stepped forward, my eyes lighting up but it wasn't a flame, it was an inferno.

I punched him straight across the cheek, satisfied when I heard a crack, I ignored my bruised up hand as I walked off.

"You don't have to go through the whole process of getting rid of me, I'll do you a favor."

I didn't notice I was crying until I locked myself in the empty locker room.

I grabbed my gym bag which actually had almost all my needed stuff and took my bat, the one that I bought.

I gripped onto the cold handle of the steel bat as I walked out, making my exit.

Since graduation was only a few weeks away, maybe I'll attend it to finish my year and I won't go through the trouble of repeating.

Thank God I was too old to be sent to an orphanage around here. That meant I can roam freely around the streets, though I was more in the good side, I'd get a few bucks by being an informer to the police so that was a plus.

Funds were low so I had to resort to pickpocketing, that didn't really end well since I'd return most out of guilt or I'd get caught.

The police here were too nice, I'd rather go in the badder side of the neighborhood, get information and maybe some extra money, I'm still sleeping in Boss' bar but I want to sleep somewhere near but anywhere else but there.

It's not like I don't want to sleep there, I just know that I can't be dependant on my boss, sooner or later I'll become a burden.

So here I am, keeping to the shadows as I waited for anything interesting, I knew the part of this place like the back of my hand, I had the advantage if I got caught getting information.

I thought I expected anything to happen, that is until a weird portal suddenly popped up, it had such an eerie feeling, I was more shocked when three skeletons exited the portal, unconscious.

I was stunned, ignoring the portal closing as I stared at the bigger skeleton from the three, he looked so much like him but not.

I unknowingly stepped up, worried, "S-sir? Are you okay?" I watched as he slowly woke up, flinching when he saw me.

"I-i'm sorry if I startled you but are you alright...? Y-you have so many wounds." There was one thing I could relate to this monster, he was broken and burned out like I was, though seeing how he wrapped his arms around the baby bones protectively when he saw me he had some hope.

"i...It'S OkAy. tHeSE aRe jUsT OlD sCarS, dON't wORry."

I nodded unsure, "Do you want to take refuge in my boss' bar for a minute? We have a soft bed where we can put the baby bones on so they can sleep peacefully..."

He seemed to look at me, steeling myself so I don't shiver as his eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

After what seemed like an eternity he nodded, standing up, he was tall and his posture showed he was truly fearless, something to add in the differences.

I showed him to the backstage entrance, "The bar's closed so my workmates aren't here, my boss is out so I'll go ahead and make you some warm chocolate milk."

I didn't miss how he perked up when he heard chocolate or the fact that he seemed to be looking around like the place was filled with people ready to ambush him.

"The back room is over there, I can get you some of my friend's clothes so I can wash yours if you want."

I got a bit curious when he seemed confused with that but nodded and headed off, careful the baby bones didn't stir when he moved.

One reason why I loved this place is because they don't make a profit in just the alcohol or music.

Homemade food and drinks were craved, something I specialized in with the help of Xahji and Cooking class.

I got three cups with a baby bottle and a thermos filled with more ready, getting the clothes as I knocked, I smiled when the door opened and gave him the plastic containing the clothes.

"The changing room is over there." I set down the tray near a table, pointing over to the room.

He seemed cautious making me tilt my head in confusion, he glanced at me, those familiar eyes staring into my soul before he seemed to nod lightly and headed in.

I hummed softly as I grabbed my cup and blew into it, taking a sip and enjoying the silence, that is until I heard something speak up from the bed.

"Excuse me mister but...who are you?"

My dad? Oh, it's Erratum. REWRITINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora