Comincia dall'inizio

Subject Three: Alexander Greene – High Patriarch of the English Hunters Association

Rule Period: None – though in charge of the Greene family legacy since the mid-1700s

Cause of death: None – Still Living

Alexander Greene was brought into the plot by Elizabeth Bradly after her extensive research on possible sires for the aforementioned vessel. She needed someone with intense energy and rooted family blood. The Greene family was Elizabeth's first choice, though Alexander was not who she wanted initially. His father Henry had been first thought of, but due to old age and his retirement retreats he was hard to track down, so she settled for Alexander knowing that he was just as strong and quite potent. After several meetings with Elizabeth, Alexander agreed to the terms. There was one minor detail that Elizabeth left out of the contract, but somehow managed to imprint it in another way so that it was mentioned but not seen. The vessel was to live to adulthood and trained not only in the techniques of a Hunter but also in the methods of a Warlock. He was to be kept stable and allowed to continue increasing his strength by any means necessary. Alexander missed this note which means that he later switches roles from father to servant once the vessel reaches a certain power level. To this day I fear that Alexander is unaware of this clause in the contract.

Subject Four: Phillip Bradly – Current Warlock King

Rule Period: Present

Cause of Death: Still Living

Phillip Bradly is the son of Elizabeth and Alexander. He is currently sitting on the throne with his new wife/hostage. For this purpose, Phillip will be known as the vessel. Created by contract and not by love, the child of the witch and hunter was meant to hold his mother's power until she was brought back to Earth. All of the witch's mortal power was passed to the babe shortly after birth. This is the reason that Elizabeth gave up her magical lifestyle and maintained a human existence. At the point of his mother's death, the vessel had already begun to exhibit magical abilities. This was his mother's cue to find certain death. Though only a child, the vessel was aware that he would be led through life by his father, who had to take care of him through other means since the vessel would not be allowed within the Greene family home, nor would the vessel be able to take over the family business. I need a little more insight into the vessel's frame of mind. To me, it seems he may be onto his mother's plot to drain him of the power that not only he possessed from her, but from what he took from so many others. *Note to self: Speak with Gretel about the vessels relationship with his father. *

I knew there was more to the story than what I had written on paper. The thoughts were already starting to fade, my notes were going to have to get me through for now. I reread the subject's information and decided it best to reach out to Dawn. I needed a few moments to speak with Lucifer, but I had no idea how to contact the Creator myself. I grabbed the phone and proceeded to dial the Wardens number.

"Garret? Calling me so soon. Did you learn something new from your notes?" she was excited to see my name pop up on her phone, I was sure.

"There are some questions that I need to be answered," I began.

"Of course, ask me anything."

"No, I apologize for not saying it sooner, but I need to speak with Lucifer." I closed my eyes afraid that she would say.

"Oh?" She paused. "Of course. Can you come to my office tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, what time works best?" I asked.

"Around nine. I will make all the arrangements."

She hung up.

For a few moments, I sat there hoping that I had not overstepped my boundaries. Dawn was doing a great job learning everything she could about the enemy. While many wondered why she had not stepped into the fight, I understood her reasoning. She wanted to make sure that she understood every aspect of what she was up against. She wanted backstory, future prophecies, and character evaluations. When she went in for the kill, she wanted to make sure that every last duck was in a row. Now here I was, wanting to speak with a Creator, someone above her. The thing is, Lucifer was the only one that could answer my questions concerning the unknown Demon contract. I had never heard of Isaac, I had skimmed the notebooks and demonology websites, and the name did not ring a bell.

Jumper (Wardens Legacies - Ancient Blood IV)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora