Chapter fourteen

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(Carl’s POV)

I woke up with a sudden pain in my chest; I can’t remember the last thing that happened. All I know is something struck my eye… My eye! Why can’t I see? I tried opening my eyelids, but it’s not use. I immediately put my left hand, in my face to examine what’s happening. I can feel that my eyes are covered with bandages.

“I can see you’re already awake.” A familiar voice said to me, I look over to my left to remember that I can’t see anything. “Don’t worry you’ll be able to see soon, a piece of a shattered window has hit your eye, but luckily we we’re able to find an eye donor.” The voice said calmly, I don’t know how to hide my shock, but this is something that I didn’t expect to happen to me.

“Who are you, and how long am I sleeping in here, and where am I?” I ask hurriedly, I’m really tensing up, not knowing anything in my current situation. I don’t have a clue what happened, all I know is that my chest tightened and suddenly I can’t breathe anymore, and that’s it no more information on what happened to me.

“You’ll see me soon, no need to worry.” He said, touching my hand. I immediately pull it out, who is this guy? “Don’t worry I won’t do anything to you, I just want to help you. And for the other questions, you are sleeping here in the hospital for almost three weeks.”  The only thing that I was able to do is clear my throat, I slept for so long! Who knows what happened in… oh I don’t have anyone anymore.

Suddenly all the emotion is dripping back to me, remembering everything that happened on the day I almost killed myself. Losing everyone in one day isn’t something that you can live with. Even though my eyes are covered with bandages, I can feel my tears flowing down my face.

“Thanks…” is the only word that I was able to mutter, I can’t really say anything, or can’t think of anything. Why did it happen all to me in the same time? I thought that only happens in the movies, hmmp! I guess I can’t say that anymore since it happened to me already.

“Are you crying?” The guy said, I shook my head to let him know that I’m fine, even though ‘god damn it, it freaking hurts’. “I know you’re not fine, tell me what’s wrong.” The guy said tenderly, it’s so sweet that I almost felt like crying unto his arms.

“I… i… lost everything…” I muttered, every word that slipped through my mouth hurts me so much. The guy just kept silent, I guess waiting for me to elaborate more. “M—my husband… I mean fake husband called it quits, and when I came home… my father had a heart attack and I don’t know what happened to him this past few weeks!” I shouted, sobbing furiously with my hands covering the bandages. “and…. I lost all my friends; no one was there for me.” Somehow the emotional pain in my chest slightly decreased; maybe all I needed is someone to hang on, or someone who I can talk with.

“Ahh. I see, nothing that I don’t know yet.” He simply said, sounding sorry about it. “I’m really sorry for the marriage, but you love him right? And… I don’t know if I am in the right place to say this.” He said, stopping to let me know that it’s a painful topic.

“Just say it.” I simply said, as I grab a hold in the covers, preparing for whatever he’s going to say.

“It’s about your dad.” I gulped, knowing that what he’s saying can be the worst. “He is… dead.” I felt like the whole word stop, I can still hear him saying words, but my mind can’t process it anymore. M—my dad is dead? This is my entire fault! I’m the worst son any father could have! I can already feel my body shaking from guilt, and remorse.

The guy pulled me into a hug, but I can’t feel my body anymore. I’m stunned, not knowing how to move my body anymore. Half of me already knows that something like that can happen to my father, but I tried to remove it from my mind, and think for the better, but what happened is something… I don’t know how to feel anymore.

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