Chapter Seven

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“Are you ready hun?” Grandma asks me as the makeup artist keeps on putting loads of makeup on my face. Well the day has finally come, the wedding day is today. “Well I’ll be going first now, the car, and the driver are waiting for you outside. Don’t you dare run away young man.” She jokes, but for me I was really thinking about doing it.

“Of course grand ma, I wouldn’t scandalize Justine’s name.” I said with a forced smile, it’s really hard for me to put a smile on my face. This day is really making me nervous, I mean it’s the wedding day, and I’m about to get married with Justine. My friends invited Rack in the wedding, and I will see my brothers for the first time since I admitted I’m gay, and most of all I’ll see once again my most dramatic father who texted me yesterday that he have a special speech for me, which I don’t really want to hear. “Besides why will I do that? I love Justine.”

“Why are you so defensive? I was just kidding about it young man.” She said with generous smile. “Oh, I should go now. I need to look at the venue, if it’s set to go.” She said and started walking towards the door.

The past few days was such a blast for me, Justine proposed like I am really his boyfriend. Second, he started acting like it. Crazy right? I was laughing all day, and night. I really had fun with him; it’s our first time being away from each other since then. It’s all because of the old saying that ‘you can’t see the bride wearing her gown before the wedding or it would be canceled’ I know it sounds ridiculous, and there isn’t even a bride, but grandma strictly implemented it.

“Finally, grandma is out of here.” Justine said, puffing out of nowhere. “How I miss you so much babe.” He said as he tries to kiss me, but the makeup artist block his lips, and push him out of me.

“You’ll ruin his makeup if you kiss him right now, wait for the wedding. “ She said, definitely grandma has set some things straight with this girl, and one of that is me not being touched by Justine in case he comes in here, well he’s here.

“By the way, why are you here? Grandma will be mad if she knows about this.” I said looking wearily in the clear windows if there is any sign of grandma. “You don’t believe in the saying, don’t you?” I ask looking a little bit annoyed.

 “Don’t tell me you believe in that shit? I just miss you so much babe.” He said as he curls his hand over my chest. The makeup artist almost growled as she slapped the hands of Justine.

“I said no touching! He isn’t done yet!” She shouted. I almost laughed on the shock look on Justine’s face. “I’ll call your grandma about this if you don’t get out of here right now!” She threatened.

“Okay, I’ll be going to the venue now. Just chill!” Justine moves back, he really looks threatened by the makeup artist. “I just inserted something in your car babe that’s why I’m here.” He said as he runs outside, and sees him over his car in the clear windows.

“That guy is madly in love with you.” She sighed. “His eyes were just like my husband eyes when we were about to get married. I couldn’t forget that day; every time I look at him I see the love, and the lust.” She said, making me look at her with bulge eyes.

“Really, he loves me? You must be kidding me.”

“What are you saying? You’re getting married, right?” She asks as she raises one of her eyebrows. I almost cut my tongue; I just made the biggest mistake. I almost spit out the truth.

“I was just kidding; of course I know he loves me. I just didn’t know about the madly in love thing.” I voice out, trying to sound a little bit formal so that she will stop asking questions.

“I’m saying the truth, I really saw it. The way he looks at you, like you are a treasure that he is about to get.” She smiled, brushing something at my eyebrows. “I don’t know why you didn’t saw that, but one thing is for sure. He will keep you forever, it’s written all over his face.” She added that made me look at her awkwardly.

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