chapter 12

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My Demons

The sun rose over the tree tops and shone on the grassy plain where are heros slept. Wendy was the first to wake. She considered taking off before the rest awoke, but before she made up her mind she heard one of them stir. She looks over to see Lucy getting up.

“Why you up so early” Lucy asks as she stands up and stretches. “nervous” Wendy says as she curls up in a ball about to cry. Lucy walks up to Wendy and squats in front of her. “Hey don't worry we will get him back” Lucy says pushing Wendy's blue hair out of her eyes. Wendy launches herself at Lucy and hugs her tight. “Itll be okay” Lucy says as she holds Wendy trying to comfort her. “I can't imagine what your going through" Lucy says.

A few hours pass and everyone has woke up and on the move. They get to the cave entrance. The team walks in.

“so you finally made it" Acnologia says. They all are inside the cave. “Wait where's king” Natsu says. King appeared behind them. He blasted the entrance and it collapsed.

“Now this place will be your grave” king says. Everyone backs away from him. “Don’t attack king go for Acnologia” Erza yells as she goes on the attack. Every attack they through at the Dragon was easily deflected. What made it worse king was picking them off one by one. He got Lucy first, then grey, then Natsu. “He's to fast” Erza says holding her ground to the fury of attack that king was dealing. “I have to get through him or Acnologia will win” Erza says. She summons her heavens wheel amore. She expertly guilds all of her swords with deadly accuracy. The swords dance around Kings body. He would jump toward Erza and a sword would hold him back. Suddenly the swords where gone but before he could react Erza was on top of him. She knocks him to the ground sword drawn. “I'm sorry Wendy” Erza says as she lifts her sword.

Kings POV

“Yes Erza do it" I says. “I welcome death" i say as I see the glint off the sword. A scream fills the cave.

“sky dragon roar" Wendy yells the blast soars over me and knocks Erza to the cave wall. I look around and find Wendy just standing there. I feel my body get up and lurch towards her. “attack Wendy” I yell but it's no use she can't hear me. “You little pest you just sealed your fate" the demonic voice says. “I know your in there King, I know you can hear me" Wendy says as she looks for any sight of me in my eyes. I feel my arm connect with her face. She stumbles to the ground and gets back up. “attack me Wendy” I scream. Apparently it got through cause what she said next made my heart sink. “No king I'm never gonna attack you again, I know your in there, come back to me” she says stepping toward me. “How dare you talk to me that way” the demonic voice yells. “I love you king” she says. I felt a blast charge up in me. “No Wendy move” I yell trying to get her attention. “King Dragon Slayer secret art, kingly light" the demonic voice says. The blast fires directly at Wendy. It hits her hard. She is flung across the cave. Her limp body. I couldn't watch. I closed my eyes and heard a loud smack.I opened my eyes to early. Her limp body falls off the wall and hits the ground. “WENDY!!!!!!!!!!” I scream. “How dare you hurt her" I say. “ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I yell as I charge up all the magic energy I had. “King Dragon secret art, cleansing light” I yell. My guild mark glows. The barrier around me shatters. “what is happening” the demonic voice asks. “ Your end" I say. The light expands to cover my whole body. The light faded and I was in control but my power was doubled.

“it's his Dragon force” a weakened Erza says. “ what are you doing” Acnologia roars. “avenging my loves death" I yell. I fly right at him. He fires a attack at me. His breaths envelops me but it didn't hurt. I suck in his breath and fire it back at him it's a direct hit. The dragon's massive body slams against the wall. He get up. “haha haha that tickled” he roars. Even in this state I was no match for him. “Who ever can stand get everyone out of here” I yell. I fly down and grab Wendy. Erza grabbed everyone else. As soon as we are out of the cave I give Wendy to Erza.

“what are you gonna do" Erza asks. “I'm gonna bring the mountain down on top of him” I says as she carries them away. I fly back in the cave full force and push the Dragon against the wall. “what are you doing you'll kill us both" Acnologia yells as I push him deeper into the mountain. “I'll gladly sacrifice my life, she did for me" I say. “King Dragon secret art, blast of destruction” I yell. My whole body envelops in light once more. For the final time. I feel my body rip apart. “I love you Wendy” I say as I feel my last second go by.

Third person POV

The whole mountain caves in on it's self. King still inside. “King, where are you" Erza yells as the dust clears. He was no where to be seen. Erza sat there in shock as rocks still fell in the crater.

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