chapter 4

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My Demons

Wendy woke up in a dark cave. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face. She heard a grunt echo through the cave. She remember how she got here. “King where are you" Wendy asks?

“Over here" King says very weak. Wendy hears him cough. All of a sudden light fills the cave. Wendy blinks for a minute letting her eyes adjust. She looks at King he was holding a tiny white flame. “King your magic” Wendy says. “I know I got my memory of my magic back,” he says looking down, “and how I got the magic.” “What magic do you use" Wendy asks. “King Dragon Slayer Magic” King says. “Wow! I've never heard of that kind of magic" Wendy says. “Yea cause their has been no other like me” he says. “Why" she asks. “I'm a first generation King Dragon slayer, you should know what that means” he says. “You got your magic from the king of dragons, Acnologia” she says as she starts to back away from him. “I don't blame you for being afraid” King says as his legs go limp and he falls to the ground. Wendy rushes over to him. On his back is a giant burn mark. “Here be still” she says as she summons her magic. “No Wendy don't you'll get hurt" he says trying to push her away. “you saved my life I have to repay the favor" Wendy says as she starts to heal his wound. The wound starts to heal. “ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Wendy screams as she gets hit with magic shocks one after another. “Wendy stop your getting hurt" he says as he pushes her away. She falls to the ground dark electricity flowing through her body. “No I will not let you die" King says. He starts to suck the dark energy out of her. He gets it out of her but she still lay unconscious. He took off the jacket he wore and put it over her limp body. “Stay strong Wendy” King says as he lets the last bit of light fade away.

At the guild

“Wendy and King have been gone for quite a while they should he back by now" Romeo says standing in the guild door. “We will go look for them tomorrow” Natsu says as he ruffles Romeos hair. “let's sleep for the night” Natsu says as he goes to lay down.

In Wendy's mind

She awoke in a pitch black room. She thought she was still in the cave, but when she called out for King no one answered. All of a sudden a piercing light erupted in the room. She cleared her eyes figuring she would find king, It wasn't. In front of her was Romeo surrounded in a dark ora. He launched a fireball at her she couldn't move. It hit her directly in the face.

“Now King won't think your so pretty, I'll burn that face off you, you whore" Romeo says as he launches another one directly at her face.

“Romeo please stop" she pleaded. Her cries went unheard. Just as he fired another at her she snapped awake.

Wendy's point of view

I awoke in the cave. I found that some light started to seep in through the cracks. I found King asleep near the fallen rubble. I looked myself over seeing if I had any bruises from the fight. I didn't have any new ones besides the ones from Romeo.

“He beats you doesn't he” I heard King ask. “I saw the bruises on you, and they are old they aren't fresh" he says. I couldn't hold tears back anymore. All of the rape and abuse came back to my mind. It was to much. I closed my eyes and fell to the ground sobbing. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me into a embrace. I cried for what it feels like hours. I only stopped cause I couldn't anymore. I looked up at King and he had a smile of pure hearted sympathy. “He can't get you now" he said. I couldn't believe something taught of something so evil, could be so caring. I stayed in his arms for hours and we just sat there. We both fell asleep.

Back in Wendy's dream

The sting of the fireball was still fresh on her face. Romeo stood over her, fireball in hand. He brought it next to her face. “Say goodbye slut" Romeo says as he brought it closer.

“You won't touch her" King said. “King Dragon roar" king says as a brilliant white flame shoots out of his mouth. Romeo evaporates as the flame passes over Wendy. The room is lit by the flames to revel a beautiful flower field. King picks me up and sets me down on a bed of flowers. “Sleep well Wendy” he says as he kissed me on the forehead. “I love you my little sky dragon” he says.


I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful girl I held in my arms. He must be a monster to hurt such a beautiful girl. He will die. I will not let him hurt her ever again. I feel myself start to drift to sleep. I kiss her on the forehead. “I love you my little sky dragon" I say as my eyes shut.

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