chapter 10

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My Demons

It had been a couple of years since King had asked Wendy to be his girlfriend. Everyone had gathered in the guild hall per Kings requests. He walk up on stage. “Thank you all for coming” king says. “I have a very special surprise for my love, and I wanted the whole guild to see" he says. “Wendy will you please come up here" he asks. Wendy jumps down from the bar that she had been sitting on. She rushes up to him. Once she gets on stage he turns toward her. He gets down on one knee and pulls a small velvet covered box. Wendy feels tears start to form. The whole guild let's out a gasp when he opens the box. Inside was a magnificent diamond ring. “Wendy marvell will you make me the happiest man on earth land and marry me" he asks. All she could was cry for a second she never had imagine this to happen. “Yes king” she says faintly as her voice is weak now. The whole guild listens very closely trying to hear her answer. “she said yes” king yells as he picks her up and swings her around as he hugs her. He puts her down and puts the ring on her finger. “now before everyone goes I have news for king” she says. “come here King" she says. King bends down and Wendy whispers something in his ear. The look on Kings face says it all it's something good. “ladies and gentlemen, this is the most exciting news ever" he says. “I'm gonna be a father!” he practically screams (I know Wendy is only 18 and king is supposed to be 19, I know this is a young age for this, but these days a bunch of  girls are getting pregnant at a early age, no offense to any girl that has that is your business. Just a element for the story) The whole guild erupts into cheering. All of a sudden a strange noise is heard outside of the guild. The roof gets ripped off the guild. Acnologia appears where the roof used to be. King pushes Wendy in cover as Acnologia fires a breath attack. The whole guild is knocked out Instantly. Acnologia reaches in and picks up King. He flies off with King. “KING!!!!!” Wendy screams as Acnologia flies away.

In Acnologia’s lair

King was hanging on a wall. He woke up and looked around. He didn't recognize this place but he knew he had to leave. As soon as he started to shake to get out his old guild mark started to glow and burn him. When he stopped it would stop.”alright king think, what's a logical way out of this place” he says as he looks at what he had. Then Acnologia walked in.

“You don't remember this place do you, Dova-Kiin (means Dragonborn in Dragon, comes from skyrim)” Acnologia says. King gives no response. “Of course you don't, but you will soon” he says. “First let's get rid of that insulting mark" he says. His claw covers the fairy tail guild mark on Kings arm. Acnologia summons his dark magic to erase the mark. “Noooooooo" King yells as he summons his own magic to keep it. Acnologia is forced off him. “Fine keep it, it won't do you any good after today" Acnologia says as he fires a breath attack. King is consumed in dark magic. “I love you Wendy” is all King can say before he is taken over.

Wendy's POV

I felt my heart break. “Kings is in trouble guys" I say. Knowing something is wrong.

“We will find him Wendy” Natsu says as he hugs me trying to calm me down. I was sobbing. I had to find him.

Kings POV

I felt myself basically get ripped out of my own body. I was trapped in my body with no control. I could see what was happening and feel everything but I couldn't do anything.

Third person POV

“Now my loyal servant, it's time to serve your master" Acnologia says. “destroy that pathetic guild you once called home" he says. Kings body stands up and opens its eyes. They are pure black fire. “Yes master” king says in a demonic voice. As king flew off towards the guild hall. He gets to Magnolia and starts destroying everything. The whole guild rushes out to confront the threat. To their surprise it was king.

“What is king doing” Wendy asks. King walks up to the group. “King is no more only Acnologia pure evil rule” king says as he fire his breath at them they all lock in battle. To defend Magnolia.

“Wendy stay back” Natsu yells as they charge at King. They are wiped out within mere seconds. Even master Makarov. King starts to charges up a blast to destroy them all. “King stop" Wendy yells as she rushes out in front of him. “haha haha, little pest what could you do against me" king says. “King I know you're in there, please stop this” Wendy says. The fairy tail guild mark starts to glow pure white. “ what is happening” king yells as the demonic presence starts to lose control. King falls to the ground. Wendy rushes to him. “King are you okay" Wendy asks. “Wendy you need to attack me" king says having a hard time to fight back the demon inside. “No king I can't do that" Wendy says. “if you want to save your friends you need to hit me with your most powerful attack right now" he says. “hurry Wendy do it for me" he says standing up. His eyes flash from his regular blue to black flames. They keep switching. “Wendy now" he yells as he clutches his head in agony. “Dragon slayer secret art, sky drill" Wendy says as she launches the attack. “thank you Wendy” king says right before he is hit with the massive attack. His body is sent flying. Wendy breaks down crying. She couldn't believe she just did that. She looks in the direction that his body flew to see him flying in the air. His eyes back to the black flame. She just sat there and sobbed. King flew away.

Kings POV

“you won't hurt her" I yell forcing my body to fly toward the cave. My body gets back to Acnologia’s lair and land in it.

“did you kill them all" Acnologia asks. “No master, king got in the way" the demonic voice says. “he is more powerful than I once thought" Acnologia says. Acnologia grabs my arm and places his paw on my fairy tail mark. A sudden wave of dark energy encapsules my spirit to make a cage. I couldn't do anything now. It was completely in control. “Now king can not interfere” Acnologia says.

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