chapter 3

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My Demons

Hey guys back for another chapter. Again don't own Fairy tail just my OC’s and ideas.

Wendy woke up. She was naked laying in bed with Romeo. All she could do was start sobbing. Last night was like a nightmare to her. Now she had no choice but to stay. If she tried to leave he would just get more violent with her. Romeo woke up and put his pants on.

“You will tell no one about last night, you hear or I'll make it worse on you" he said. Wendy laid there in fear and said nothing. “Now put your clothes on you whore” he says as he shuts the bedroom door. Wendy got up and looked at herself. She had marks all over her body but Romeo was careful not to leave anywhere her clothes wouldn't cover up. She could barely move without shooting pain. She put her dress back on and opened the door. “Since your like this you will stay home today" Romeo says as he walks out the door. Wendy goes to her room and cries.

At the guild hall

“Hey Romeo, where is Wendy” Carla asks as Romeo gets to the guild. “Oh she is at the house she said she didn't want to be bothered by anyone today" Romeo says. “Is she okay" she asks. “Yes she is just tired she stayed up late last night” he said as he walked away.

Time skip (3 months later)

King woke up in the dorm. His memory of his life or magic still hasn't came back. He was waiting for today. Today Makarov is letting him go on a job. He will meet his partner for the job at the guild. He was not told who his partner would be.

At Wendy’s house

Wendy woke up in a cold sweat. Master had told her she was going to be going with King on his job today. Romeo had tried to go with them but master refused. Since this news had come Romeo had gotten even more violent with her. He made sure she knew she was his. Ever night she cried herself to sleep. No one in the guild had noticed what had been going on Romeo made sure of that. He was always around when someone was talking to her. She got up and got dressed. When she opened the door she felt a hand pull her back.

“You tell king anything and you'll regret it” Romeo says. He picks her up and spanks her. When he gets done Wendy can't sit down without pain shooting through her. She walks to the guild. King was waiting for her in front of the guild.

“Are you my partner for this” King asks. “Yes” Wendy says. They start walking towards the destination. King notices that Wendy is limping. “You okay" he asks. “Yea my leg just hurts a little” she said. “Well here get on my back” King says as he kneels down. She gets up on his back and he starts walking. “So as we are walking there let's get to know each other” he says. “Okay” she says. “I am 16, I use Dragon slayer magic, my best friend is Carla, I've always want to get stronger" she says with a smile. “Thats great, I've wish I had your type of magic, I've heard your really powerful and always able to help your friends" he says. They both continue getting to know each other. They get to their destination and both of them are laughing. Wendy was actually feeling joy once again and she loved it. “One time Natsu was trying to get a taco and the guy messes up his order and put 10 ghost peppers in his taco, Ik Natsu can breath fire but his mouth burst into flames that day” Wendy says. They both burst into laughter. They both go silent when they see the town. The town was in shambles. “What happened here" King asks. A man was laying on the ground. Wendy jumped down and rushed over. “Sir are you okay” she asks.

“look…….out" the man says. Acnologia lands behind them. “Wendy lookout” King yells as he dives and tackles her out of the way. King picks her up and runs to a nearby cave. As he gets inside he is shot in the back by Acnologia. The blast from the shot causes the cave entrance to collapse.

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