Chapter 10

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Tao's POV

Where did Chen and D.O go? Why haven't I seen them still?

I have been walking around the hospital but I still haven't seen neither  the two.

While I was still looking around, I saw a girl and a guy walking very fast. Both of them are pretty tall in height.

But- why is it that.... they seem so familiar to me?

It's like I have seen them before... but- the guy is wearing a doctor's coat and a mouth mask...

They then began to walk towards me.

I stared at them to see if I do know who they are.

The girl then started to run while looking back.


The girl then bumps at me, we both fell to the ground.

The girl's cap fell out of her head.

She then gave me a glimpse but later on covers her face with both hands, stands up, and bows at me.

The doctor then rushes to the girl and walks away with her.

They do seem familiar but- they seem suspicious at the same time.

I tried to catch up with the doctor and touched his shoulders.

Both of them stops at the same time.

"Doc, have you seen a guy in a wheelchair around the hospital or any EXO members?"

The doctor then looks at me and shakes his head then carries on.

Why won't he talk?

Chanyeol's POV

God, why is this punk still following us? Is he suspicious of us or something? Why won't he just leave us alone?

I looked at my sister and she then looked at me.

Sister, should we do it?

She then nods.

But how are we going to do it.....?

We still can't talk to each other with Tao pretty much following us right behind.

We decided to enter an elevator.

Tao then follows us inside.

What is he up to?!

It was pretty silent inside the elevator.

How is it that... this elevator doesn't seem to have a CCTV?

We better make our move.

Chen's POV

The nurses then gave me a quick first aid for my cheek.

"Thank you very much."

I was going to walk away but.

"Also, there seems to be people who are acting suspicious inside the hospital right now. Can I please see the CCTV camera?"

Please, I need to see it.

They all stared at each other.

"Sir, I don't think we can show you our CCTV clips. It's not for everyone to see. We can't show it to you if you're not a part of the police." The nurse said as she apologized.

"Can't I at least see the one by the stair case?"

They all shook their heads.


"Alright then, thanks anyways."

I'm too tired, I should take the elevator to get back to D.O's room.

I spotted an elevator by the end of the hallways.

I clicked the button.

Chanyeol's POV

I looked back at my sister yet again and saw her holding a blade.

She glances at Tao then moves near him.

I stared right at my sister's eyes and shakes my head, telling her not to do it.

I don't want to get your hands dirty. So Please, don't meddle with my business.

She didn't even took a quick glimpse at me but she then stabs Tao at his side.


Tao then falls to the ground.

I slapped the blade away from my sister and looks at Tao.

I ripped a piece of my coat and then quickly handed it over to Tao so that he can cover his wound.

"Doc- a-aren't yo-you goi-ing to -help m-m-me?"

I then hugged Tao.

"I'm sorry Tao but, I cant help you. I'm sorry for everything that I did to our group. Please, don't forgive me. It's all my fault that it lead to this."

Tao then slowly puts his hand on my back.

"It-it's- the-there's a-a-always a time to fo-forgive Cha-chan-ye-yeol."

I looked at my sister with tears in my eyes.

"Run! Leave us here!"

The elevator door then opens and my sister began to run away with the blade.

I clicked a button.

"Excuse me! Someone here got stabbed! Please save him!"

Please, I'll do everything to save him.

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