Chapter 2

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Kyungsoo's parents then picked up the phone.

"Um hello? Is this Kyungsoo's parents?" Chen asked.

Chen then nodded.

"Kyungsoo... well, kyungsoo is at the hospital right now." Chen said.

Chen is having those mixed face expressions.

"Um, he got into a car accident and we really need you guys here to assist him. We also need you guys permission to let the doctors to do the operation."

Chen looked calm.

"Ahh thank you so much, but, I'll be right back, the doctor still needs to talk to you." Chen said then handed me the phone to call the doctor.

The doctor then arrived and I handed him the phone.

"Are this Kyungsoo's parents?" The doctor asked.

We both nodded.

The doctor then put the phone onto his ears.

"Hello? Yes this is kyungsoo's doctor. I just wanna know if I can do the operation on your son?" The doctor said "ah yes thank you. Don't worry, your son is in good hands."

The doctor then handed us back the phone.

"So, are you guys gonna do the operation?"

"Of course." The doctor said as he walk away.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Chen asked.

The doctor stopped.

"He's in good hands, don't worry." The doctor said as he continue to walk.

Chen and I both sat down on the floor, we held our hands while fidgeting our feet since we were so anxious.

It was taking awhile and we started to get a lot more worried.

"Tao, kyungsoo's gonna be alright, right?" Chen asked while looking right at me, "nothing bad is gonna happen right?"

I stopped fidgeting my foot and crossed my legs.

"Dont worry Chen, he's gonna be alright. He's strong and healthy anyways."

Chen then tilted his head. He didn't seem to believe on what I just said.

"I don't know." Chen said as he stands up.

We just waited silently until the nurses and cotors finally came out.

I then stand up.

"Doc, how was the operation?" I asked.

The doctor then looked at the nurses.

"It's fine, for now. We still don't know if he's gonna keep his heartbeat but, he's fortunately alive." the doctor said, "there might be a lot of blood loss but, he has a lot more left."

Chen then smiled.

"Thanks doc." Chen said.

"No worries, it's our job to give life and save people." The doctor said, "now, if you just excuse us, we will just write down the symptoms and medicines that he needs."

They then started to walk away.

"Thank you so much." I said, "can we visit him?"

The nurse then looked at me.

"He's still taking a rest but you guys can go home today. You can visit him tomorrow." The nurse said as she continues to walk away.

But, alright then. I'm just glad that he's doing well.

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