Chapter 4

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Chen's POV

  I wonder, where is chanyeol at the moment?

Is it weird that, I'm worried about him?

Yeah, he may be the one who killed almost all of our exo members but still, he's still a family.

He did kill Taecyeon which is just...... ugh.

"Sir, I think you haven't slept for awhile. You guys should go home for today." The nurse said, "We'll call you when-"

The doctor comes.

"They can go and see D.O, he's good. For now." The doctor said.

What does he mean good, 'for now?

"What do you mean by that?" Tao said, "why? Did something bad happen to the operation?"

"Oh, not that. It's just that maybe he can't carry on but, I'm sure he will." The doctor said, "don't worry, trust us."

Tao stands up and was about to go to Kyungsoo but then,

"But firstly, we have to move him to a room." The doctor said, "Call the others."

"Yes Doc." The nurse said as she walks.

Chanyeol's POV

Oh great.

Now that I lost the police, I can go and visit Kyungsoo.

As I walk, I saw a taxi cab.

I realized that I do somewhat have money on me.

He might recognize me though...

Oh-who cares.

I stopped the taxi.

The taxi then stopped right in front of me.

Good thing, the taxi driver didn't stare at me as I enter his car.

I kept my face down.

"Where do you wanna go Mr?" The taxi driver said.

"To the nearest hospital please."


The car started to move.

Seems like I'm plan is working pretty well at the moment.

But things can ruin it pretty easily.

I can't let that happen.

Tao's POV

Kyungsoo has been sent to his room.

Chen and I are on our way....

To Room 88.





"There's 88 at the corner." Chen said as he points.


We rushed and knocked on the door.

"We're coming in." I said, "excuse us."

We then slide the door and saw D.O reading a book.

"It seems like you're awake. How do you feel?" Chen asked.

"I'm, alright." D.O said.

That's good to hear.

"Well, rest well alright?" I said as I sit down on the chair right beside his bed.

Chen and I watched D.O as he reads.

D.O stares at us.

"You guys, why do you kept on staring at me?" D.O asked.

Chen and I both smiled.

"We're just glad that you're back." I said.

"Yeah." Chen said.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Come in" D.O said.

The door opened and we saw Heechul, Taemin, Kwangsoo and Yoona come in.

"Yah, Kyungsoo, are you alright?" Kwangsoo asked, "Chen and Tao, how about you guys?"

"We're alright." D.O said.

Yoona gave D.O a bouquet of flowers.

"Rest well and take care Kyungsoo." Yoona said.

"Thanks Yoona." D.O said.

Heechul then puts down a basket of fruits on the table.

"Eat this, it'll make you feel so much better." Heechul said as he does some hands gestures.

"Alright." D.O said as he grabs an apple.

"Wow, I didn't even get to bring any in for Kyungsoo. I feel bad." Taemin said, "Well, I wish you guys to be safe."

"Its alright Taemin." D.O said.

I tapped Chen's leg.

"We should leave at the moment." I whispers to his ears, "lets let them talk to him."

Chen nodded in agreement.

"Alright then." Chen said.

"Well, you guys can talk to D.O. we'll leave you guys so yeah." I said as Chen and I stand up and leave out the door.

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