Chapter 9: None is Fair in Love and War

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Kyleea offers to take watch but i know i won't be able to sleep. i accept and burrow down into my sleeping bag and cry again, hoping the camera catches it, it once again pull my hair over my face. i blow a kiss and whisper quietly "i love you, Sage." and wishing he saw my message, i slip into a deep sleep.

the sound of a cannon going off is what finally wakes me. it looks to be early afternoon,and the others are huddled over the fire sorting out some stuff. "whats going on?" i ask still trying to wake up completely.

"i knew you were upset so i let you sleep... you needed it." Kyleea says smiling at me.

"we just killed Raezelle from 11. thats 7 down." Catillia says. " she had a pack with some dried fruit, extra socks, another pair of night vision goggles,and she had a couple of arrows and a bow on her."

"here,eat this." Menina says,handing me a rabbit leg and 2 dried pears. she passes me the water pouch and i take a small sip.

"thanks." i say starting to nibble on the rabbit. i stuff the second dried pear into my pack saving it for later. i should probably be eating but the note made me sick to my stomach. i'm sure it was supposed to make me happy, but the thought of how much he went through to get it to me made my heart sink and it made me realize just how much i actually miss him. i drink a few sips of water and go off to hunt. i'm suprised how well i do, imagining each animal's life i end is President Snow. i hate him.  he took me away from my family. Sage is my family right? i mean i love him and i've known him all my life. sounds close enough to me.

 i toss 3 squirrels, 2 rabbits,and a groosling? i've heard of it in school. down on the blanket. i feel bored so i set a couple of crued snare traps. and carefully place the net Kyleea made on the groud and conceal it with pine needles,so when you pull the rope,whoevers standing on it will be scooped up into it. i wish Sage would walk by and get caught in my net so i could keep him here with me. at least i would be able to see him. but i would never wish the hunger games on anyone. maybe Princeton,or the President, but of course he runs the games from his comfy mansion that you could probably fit my district comfortably inside of it.

i think Kyleea likes making nets, being from District 4, the seafood and boat district. at least they can swim to pass time.

by now im so sad about missing my family that i dont want to think too much about it. i try to push the thought out of my head for a while by braiding my hair a couple hundred different ways. when i grow up i wanted to do hair. but most people cant afford that.but i mean there's weddings and the reaping and birthdays. most people do there childrens hair but my mother was never very good with that. but if i die that wont matter,and if i win i have to take up some special hobby. i guess that could be hair.

then i start braiding Catillia's long dark hair. its really smooth annd easy to work with. even i wouldnt try to braid Menina's hair. it goes pretty far down her back, but it's super curly. all i can manage with it is a french braid down the back. not camparable with the intricate design i made on Catillia. Kyleea's hair is alot like mine. long, straight and blonde. i manage to french braid it in a circular spiral on the back of her head. we have more than we need as far as food so we chill out for a while. i almost turn n for a nap when it happens.

"where are they!" Mastiff yells. he looks out of breath like hes been running but he never makes a move.

"don't shoot!" Menina yells. we're all panicking and he just stands there waiting.

"where is he!" he yells again and never shoots.

"wait,who?" i shout at him. he rolls his eyes and plunges his spear into the ground.

"Princeton! you know, your little boyfriend!" i fill with rage at that last comment and almost stab his brains out.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" i scream and my spear hits the tree by accident while he makes a break for it. i see a mockingjay chirping up above and shoot it down. i know we cant eat it,i had to do something to get my anger out. i cant believe he got away. we settle back down and start to compare our districts. mine sounds pretty good. turns out Catillia works in an electronics factory every day after school. Kyleea's family owns a small boat and she swims all the time. Menina is from the poorer part of District one.  her father works in some train loading dock. then there's my family. my father the butcher. and us being the 3rd richest family in our District. the mayor is the richest and his daughter has a family of her own that are quite wealthy as well. 

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