Chapter 1: The Reaping,and District 2

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i know that today is reaping day,but i'm in no way scared. i wake up early and walk downstairs to find that my mother is sitting at the kitchen table watching the news.

"why do you care about what goes on in the Capitol?" i sneer as i walk over to the cupboard.

"Cirri, you're up! I ironed your dress, its in your room." she rings as she sips a cup of juice. my younger brother, Trint, walks down the stairs. he seems in a cheery mood like my mother, knowing that he still has a year of freedom left. hes only 11, and you have to be 12 to go into the reaping pool. i'm 15, so i still have 3 more years to go until i'm safe from the hunger games. he knows my name is in 4 times seeing that you're entered an extra time each year. i grab a cup from the top shelf and hand it down to my brother. maybe if he gets picked one year, depending on his age i might consider volunteering to protect him, but never other than that.

"mom, i'm going down to Blare's house. she invited Sage and I over to hang out before the reaping." i tell her nonchalantly, spreading cheese over a thin slice of fresh baked bread. my mother looks up as if pondering the idea.

"didn't Sage's cousin win the games a few years back?" she asks still glued to the small television set.

"Yeah, Enobaria. she ripped some guys throat out with her own teeth." i say as i stifle a small laugh. it reminds me of a thought. some people in the games go insane and loose their minds. one guy tried to eat another tribute's heart after killing them, so the Gamemakers obviously had to kill him. others just sit in the woods and cry for no reason,which sometimes just makes me uncomfortable. the games definatley change people. i grab an apple and head out the door toward Blare's place. its not that close but its still in the same part of town. i debate going by the market on the way there to  pick up some strawberries, but decide against it. right now most shops are bustling with people. families usually feast after the reaping to celebrate that their children were not chosen in the reaping. while two of them close their doors and worry about their children's fate in the arena.

by the time i reach her house I've blindly greeted many people, not listening to or caring what they have to say. i really just want to see Sage right now. i feel a lot better when hes around me --hes a very comforting person. "Cirri! hey!" Blare says as she opens the door. i walk in and Sage is sitting on the couch but brightens when he sees me.

"hey girl!" he says softly as he hugs me holding me warmly in his arms. he pats a spot next to him on the couch and i sit down, especially close to him. his light brown hair falls softly over his forehead,and hes wearing a short sleeve shirt so you can really see his muscles poking out. I like it. A lot. Blare sits back down and turns the television off. "do you think any of us will get picked this year?" she asks. the haunting question causes Sage to tense next to me,though i know it means hes thinking about what she asked and not about how close we are sitting.

"i sure hope not..." he says a moment after she finishes. "at least there are dumb careers just waiting to volunteer so even if one of us gets picked we most likely wont end up having to go." he concludes. i shrug as his sudden reassuring words. he puts his arms around Blare and I and I can't help but smile.

"i don't know, i could probably take them all." as i say it Blare lets out a small muffled giggle at the thought of me becoming a ruthless killer.

"Cirri... we know you're strong...but you're like 5 feet tall and weigh 90 pounds...some of these guys are literally twice your size with muscles wider than your head..." Sage laughs a little bit. i look at him with a faulty angry look

"it's okay. i like you that way, you're easier to pick up." i look at him as he stands up and grabs me by the waist lifting me up into the air i shriek at no longer being on the ground where i always feel more comfortable. he laughs at me.

Cirrianetta: The 56th Hunger GamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang