Chapter 4: The Opening Cermonies

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when i wake up in the mornig i see cameras and flashing lights and crowds and waving and being the shy person i am,i'm instantly overwhelmed.after i get dressed i walk out into the hall and am greeted cherrily by Lavina, who seems to have curled her hair this morning. "smile pretty you two! any of these could be possible sponsors!" she rings to me and Savv. i have absolutley no problem with this, but i look over and see Savv just staring... then what Savv said last night really starts to get to me. and thinking about the boy i hate so much reminds me of Sage. he never did call back last night. i hope hes okay.but as i'm pondering it my phone rings!

"Sage!" i shout lovingly into the phone.and i proceed out of the sitting room and i can tell Savv is in a rage. but i push the thought out of the way at the sound of Sage's voice.

"hey! sorry. there was a little pronlem black home in 2..."

"oh no! is everyone alright! are you okay?" i say with a hint of concern with my juvinile voice.

"yes yes everyones fine now. so,are you in the capitol yet? he asks as if really worried about me. i mean why wouldnt he be? but still the games wont start for like another week or so!he could at least be helping me! "how was the train?" he says try to cover his obvious guilt

"it was okay.its fine alright. stop worrying so much about me,it scares me... i'm not even that worried." i say defensivley yet still concerned.

"i know...its just... i mean i had you ffor ten minutes before they just ripped you away from me and are making me watch as people are out there trying to kill you in a fight to the death on national you know how hard that is for me to see..."he says shyly. i can just pictue him now. a picture i've never seen before. it came to me in a dream last night. i was in the meadow,a place that i go alot. but never in the way i did in my dream. i was sitting in the meadow, my head in Sage's lap. he was stronging my flat silky hair while i played with a rose. the rose! i forgot about the rose he gave me before i left. i grab it off the bedside table and stroke it outermost petal while imaging my dream as i talk with Sage.

"i know..but dont worry, i'll be okay. trust me." i say trying to comfort him to no avail. i can hear him nervously rustling with his hair and squirming around like he always does when hes scared. i tried to ignore it because i know i'm the one making him so sad, but i keep letting myself drift back to the meadow.i know calling and talking to him only reminds him of whats going to happen but for me to hear his voice makes me feel so much and so much closer to home being in this crazy place."sorry i have to go into the remake center now i'll call tonite after the opening ceremonies! okay?"

"they dont need to 'remake' you,your already more radiant than anything i've ever seen!" he says protestantly. as to object but he drawss back. probably imagining what i'll look like tonight at the ceremonies. wow. he so would."but whatever." he says softly.

" you,bye."i say sadly knowing it'll be hours and hours until i can talk to him again. hes silent for a moment and i start to think hes hung up on me without saying goodbye.

"Cirri... i love you...goodbye... have fun."

"bye." and with that i reluctantly press the end button on the phone and head back to the sitting room, hoping that the human interaction will keep the tears away. i'm wrong. when i get back to the sitting room Savv glares at me and i turn to leave when something grabs my arm. its Brutus. hes strong and i think hes cutting off my curculation. when he releases his grip i rub my arm where it hurts and he rolls his eyes at me like i'm weak or something. i sit down in a chair mad at everyone in the room till Enobairia enters and i feel somewhat releived. Lavina starts talking quickly about the stylists and our prep teams and to do whatever they say and blah blah blah  i'm not even paying attention until Lavina snaps at me.

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