Chapter 7: The Interviews

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I wake up and go to breakfast in the morning. everyone is eating fast and barley making conversation. Savv has his normal angry face on. Brutus is looking down at his food as usual. Enobarias not really a talkative person either except about me and Sage. Lavina finished her food and is fixing her makeup in a compact mirror. eventually Lavina speaks up. " alright Cirri,come with me we have to get you ready for your interveiw!" she says it so cheerfully that it almost sounds like singing.

"alright! now what are you going to say if they ask about your relationship status?"  she asks sincerley. i look down at my hands and take a deep breath.

"well i could just tell them about me and Sage which would be fine except i would open a door for Princeton to do something that would make Sage mad. but i think i can take him. so i guess ill just go for that." she thinks and nods at me.

"ok then. tell me about your family,Cirri."she says

" father is a butcher. my mother works the counter selling the meat and then theres my little brother Trint.... i would do anything for him. i love my family and i miss them all so much." a tear rolls down my face.

'alright.whats your impression of some of the other tributes?"she asks me

"well. i've become very close slready with some of them. but others inpurticular annoy the crap out of me and i want to snap their neck in half!" she widens her eyes at my anger.

"haha and what about that astonnishing 12 in training?" she asks laughing

"well.i'll just leave it at i've got some interesting skills.dont even think about counting me out!"

"hahaha okay! any shout outs?"

"o yeah! first. Sage,i love you. and second. suck it Princeton i got a 12 and your an ass!"

"haha yeah..lets not say that on live national television.especially because hes twice your size." i scowl at this.  eventually we finish working and i have to go meet my prep team down the hall in my dressingroom. i hope my outfit is as good as in the opening ceremonies. luckily i'm 3rd so i can get the interview over with quickly.but it also means i have to sit between Savv and Princeton for over an hour. wont that be fun! i'm sure Princeton will plenty of remarks and will probably try to kiss me. i dont care but i know Sage will. and Princeton knows that too...

i walk in and Delia practically jumps on me while Deveraux starts rambling questions at me. how did you get a 12 in your session! to answer that i tell them to stand back while i do i back-hand spring into a front flip into a sommersault up into a 1 handed cartwheel.and soon they are busy at work on my hair,nails,and face. i see Deveraux putting glitter eyeshadow on me which is very bold and sparkly. he also uses simple black eyeliner, mascara,and light pink lipstick. my hair is curled slightly, with a side section pulled back in a twist. Damion walks in with another garment bag and shoos my prep team out. he opens it and hands me the dress to put on. its a white form fitting short dress that only comes a little bit past my butt. it has straps but they're really thin and almost not noticable. the dress shimmers and is covered in glitter and rhinestones and sequins. its gorgeous! and i know Sage will love it too. my mother always told me i look good in white so i know she'll like it too. he gives me a pair of silver high heels and all the sudden i dont  look as tiny. soon its time to go down to the basement level. me and Savv get off the elevator and i go join Kyleea and Catillia. when Menina comes off Princeton follows her over to us.

"hey! look who grew!" he wraps his arms around me so tightly i cant get out.

"get off of me!" i say trying to push him off to no avail. he tries to kiss me and eventually with Menina helping me i pry him off. he tries to stroke my hair but i grab hiswrist and squeeze it till he squeals slightly. "hows that for a 12 in training!" i say boastfully in his face. he tries to kiss me one last time before walking away with Axl and Milan laughing.i shrug and we all start complimenting each others dresses.then they start lining us up and soon enough i'm walking onto the stage trying to keep enough distance between me and Princeton. i sit down in my chair and Princeton tries to hold my hand but i thrust his hand back at his face and it hits him. then i scoot all the way on the other side of my chair. Menina goes up first. Cesar Flickerman asks her if shes set up any alliances yet and i'm praying that she says the right thing.

Cirrianetta: The 56th Hunger GamesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu