Chapter 5: Training

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 end of the Ceremony Presiden Snow has shorten his annual speech so that he can send us out and stop all of the noise and of course when our chariot dissapears from sight it all ceases to slow quiet claps. we are now in the basment of the traiing center. people are getting off and heading toward the elevators. i look where Savv is heading and go in the opposite direction. i step into an empty elevator feeling glad be alone but at the last minute 3 guys bust in to talk to me.

"District 2! i'm Axl,from 4. he tries to stroke my hair and a grab his hand and move it away.the second guysteps forward and is now in my face.

"Milan.district 3. your pleasure!" he tries to flex his muscles like thats going to affect me and i roll my eyes and press the 2 buton for my floor. now the 3rd guy steps up.

"Princeton. 1. yur smokin for a shorty! how bout you be my special little ally huh?"he puts his hands around my waist and i glare at him.

"get off me. i have a boyfriend." i say with a fire rising in my heart.

"hey hey hey! i'm not exclusive!" he says with a grin. "i keep an open mind. come on your from 2, you have to be strong!" he says more seriously. i get really mad now.

"get away!" i say and i cant control myself. i punch him in the face and some blood trickles out of his nose.

he just laughs and smiles even more."mmhmm. i was right. look,sexy,i can protect in this thing,stick with me and you won't be sorry. and you just gave away your little secret so i can ruin you. so what do you say?" he stretches him hand out to me. i'm furious now and losing my cool.

"i say lots of things. get away from me! dont talk to me! dont touch me! and i will kill you the first chance i get! you don't want to push me!" i slap him across the face as hard as i can which is apparentley really hard because his cheek is blotchy and red. the elevator opens on his flor but he closes the door just to bother me. by the time it reaches the second floor i get off and storm down the hallway, with Princeton sticking his head out the door of the elevator.

"you'll be sorry now sexy!" he snickers and the other guys laugh too. i want to hit someone in the face so much right now. by the time i walk into the dining room,everyone else is already seated and eating.

"darling are you alright?" Lavina squeaks in her annoying capitol accent. i take off the heels and chuck them at the door.

"goodnight!" i snap at her and storm out to my room. the only reason i'm holding on to my sanity is that i can talk to Sage. i can blow my head off at him. would he care? would he be annoyed? or would he just worry about me even more? probably the last one... but still i need to let it all out right now. i walk in and sit on my bed only to hear the phone ring. "hey!" i say trying to sound romantic and hide my anger.

"ok first. OH MY GOD! you were gorgeous! they loved you!" he see so happy for me.

"trust me... i know."he senses my frustration and picks up on it immediatley.

"what's wrong?" this is when the tears sart streaming down.i take a few deep breaths before pouring everything out to him.

"people. i hate them. men are immature bastards. no offense to you.but i've already been hit on 3 times and i got sort of..violent alredy. and Sage! i just want to come home now! i just want to be back there with everyone,with my family,with you!i can't do this anymore! i've already gotten a serious death threat!"

"Cirri.its the hunger games. death threats aren't hard to come by. but don't worry you're stronger than them.and your smalland nimble. you can do gymnasticts and other useful stuff! and now you have motivation for this! you have reason to kill can let out your anger with it! trust me i know you can make it back home to me,i know you can! you can do this!"

Cirrianetta: The 56th Hunger GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora