"I can't lose him I've lost everyone else. My father died in a wreck my mother died during a demon attack. I can't lose my brother too. I won't be able to survive without him." I say just as he reaches me.

"Raven. You can survive so many things. You'll survive without him. It'll hurt like hell but you will make it. But you and I both know he will not go down without a fight, he will not go down without saying I love you or goodbye to his only sister at least one last time. Raven he loves you, and I know we've only known each other for what one day? But I see the same strength and fire reflected in both of your eyes." He says meeting my gaze and gently placing his hands on my knees.

"What if I lose the fire in me. I will burn Eric I will go down." I whisper

"No you won't. You're the strongest girl I have ever met and I've met plenty. I've never seen a girl with the passion you have, or even with the warrior hidden behind your facade." He says and I smile gently and nod.

"You're brother loves you Raven. You just have to give him time to find us." He says and I nod knowing there is so many safe houses in this world.

"Ok." I whisper and he smiles patting my knees gently then turning away and walking to the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

"Stay in here. I mean it I'll be back soon." He says

"What if a banshee-"

"They don't come out in the daylight, the worst creature I'll run into is a shadow monster or demon." He says

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Hunting for some food." He says

"Please be safe." I say and he smiles.

"I will. I mean it please stay Raven your brother would have my head if I let you get hurt." He says

"Wait can I come with you?" I ask and he shakes his head no and I sigh figuring there is no point in fighting him.

"Alright." I say and he nods.

"I'll be back soon." He says then he throws a disk out and steps through. I watch it shut and I huff leaning back against the window shutting my eyes.

"Raven. Raven." I blink open my eyes at my name being whispered and look around.

"Who's there!?" I call moving my feet down to the floor cautiously.

"Raven Raven come join us Raven." A voice says from behind me. I spin around and my breath starts to come quicker and shallower.

"Who's there!?" I scream. Something wisps across my right shoulder and I spin around.

"Raven come join us. Be like us. Raven." A voice whispers into my ear, I feel his breath on my neck.

"Leave me alone!" I scream clawing at my head trying to remove the voices.

"Raven." A voice says from behind me. I spin around but nobody is there.

"Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven."

I scream and scream clawing at my ears.

"Leave me alone!" I scream cowering to the ground tears spilling from my eyes.

"Ravennnnnnnnn." A hand is laid on my back and I cry.

"No!" I scream.

"Raven! Come to us! You belong with us! It's your home!" Pulling, someone's pulling at me.

"Go away!" I scream but the chanting continues and my screams and cries continue.

"You can't deny us forever it's in your blood." Is the last thing I hear before the voices stop and a portal flies open behind me. I scream thinking it's for me, someone's taking me away. But once warm yet strong arms envelop me and pull me against a hard chest hushing me; hands stroking my hair my sobs quietly subside and I take a deep and shaky breath.

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