Chapter Seventeen (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"It was close enough!" He said.

"I don't see a bed anywhere" Jack said.

"I know you know, that you don't need a bed." Shay responded

"What are you guys even talking about?" I asked.

"Jack and I best that you and Jameson wou- Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Shay clutched his side where jack had elbowed him.

It felt like I was surrounded with people my age rather than people who were at least ten years older than me. My embarrassment was replaced by curiosity. "You had bet on what exactly?"

They never got to answer my question because Jameson came over, giving them a stern look before taking me by my elbow and guiding me in the direction of the car. There was a chilliness in the air that had nothing to do with the low temperature. So I kept my mouth closed.

I was ushered into the car and the second the door was closed he turned to talk with his friends. I wasn't for sure what type of car this was, but I would have to say it was high end. It was impossible for me to hear what they were saying. I sat there thinking about Jameson. There was no doubt that I was attracted to him. But from the little altercation in the hallway earlier, and the little shower incident this morning. I wasn't for sure I should honestly pursue this.

Did I feel safe around him?

That was hard to answer. There were a lot of people that I felt less safe around. But he was one of the ones I didn't mind.

You obviously don't mind it. You were rubbing yourself all over his thigh.

My inner voice was really not thinking reasonably at the moment.

The way his lips felt against yours...


Jeff had taught me something. That men were not to be trusted. Why in hell's name was I going against my gut instincts when it came to Jameson?

Three weeks had passed and I hadn't seen Jameson since our little romp at the restaurant. Whatever the guys had talked to him about that day had put him in a horrible mood. When he got in the car I didn't dare say a word. The cold look he gave me was all I needed to keep my lips sealed.

I ran my hands over the book that sat in front of me. Shay was trying to teach me something. Calculus had never been my thing. Scratch that math had never really been my thing. I stared out the window at the over cast sky. I hadn't left the house since that day. It wasn't that I was trapped in here.

Robert had told me that the cars in the garage were at my disposal. I just needed to tell him when I was going to be borrowing one. He had given me my space these past weeks. I would've thought he would come and talk to me about missing my Dr's and therapist appointments. But there was never words exchanged on that certain topic.

I had at least seen Robert. Jameson seemed to be doing a good job of avoiding me like the plague. I could swear I heard him in the kitchen talking, but when I entered no one was there. The suspicion that his friends had told him to stay away from me, was steadily increasing.

Shay sounded frustrated as he spoke to me. "Bryn are you even trying to understand this?" He pointed at the old fashion chalk board on the other side of the room.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind." Shay looked guilty after I said this

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

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