Chapter 17

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? Hours Later
"Nooo!!! No! Mom! Dad!" you screamed as Ivan led you away from the burning building. "Little Natasha. Come on we need to go." he said trying to calm me down. "No!!! Who are you! I don't know you! I need to help my family!" you said as you felt tears streaming down your nine-year old face. "Natasha, we've got to go. Your family didn't make it out, come on." Ivan said as he continued to drag you away from the only home you ever knew. "B- but m- my family...  I- I." you stammered as Ivan picked you up and carried you away. "It's ok. Everything will be okay." Ivan said as you were still staring horrified at the burning building, a few blocks away. Then you fell back into darkness. "Nat? Nat? Wake up!" "What! Wait what's going on?" You stammered as you rolled of a bed and onto the floor. "Ack." You said standing up again. "It's time. We passed." Oh. Wow... it's time to go. When do we leave again? "Miss Romanova and Belova. It's your turn." Breathing steadily, we stood up and made our way to the door. "The soldier will lead you to your operating rooms." She said gesturing towards Bucky. "Yes mamm." You said as you followed Bucky around the corner. "You ready? We need to go now." Bucky said leading us down more hallways. "Yeah, we need to move on to step three." Yelena said. "Already covered." I said as I opened the closet again. Wow, we've used this closet a lot. Is it sad that I like this closet more than any other person besides Yelena and Bucky? Quickly, we let Bucky change, then we grabbed the files and moved on to step four. Which was, we had to get out of here. "Come on, the guards are heading towards the watchtower now." I said. Leading both of them towards the front gate. "We're almost there." Yelena whispered to us, as we walked in front of Bucky, like he was leading us somewhere. "Stop! Hey, hey you! Stop right there!" Oh no. We're so close... we can't fail, not now. "Where are you taking those prisoner-" twank. Yelena had elbowed the guard in the nose, letting him fall onto the ground. Blood pooling around his face from where she had hit him. "Hurry, let's tie him up and hide him in a closet. So he can't tell anyone what's going on." Yelena said as she started to look around for some rope. "We don't have time, we need to go now." I insisted. "Just throw him in a door and pray it's empty." Bucky said looking around the corner to see if anyone noticed we were here. "Ok, here's one." Yelena said with a sigh, as she pointed towards the nearest door. Sighing, I grabbed the guard by his uniform and Yelena and Bucky helped shoved him in the room. "Come on, let's go!" Bucky urged, as we picked up the pace. "Wait, what about weapons ot food or money... or something! We need kinda need that to disappear." Yelena said stopping quickly. "What are we going to do?" I asked. "We need to go now, but we also need supplies. We need to split up. It's the only way we'll get what we need in time. We know our way around the compound and etc., so we'll be fine." You said laying out a plan. "We'll meet at the front gate in... how about... thirty minutes?" Bucky suggested. "That's a good idea. If we all aren't there, five minutes after the deadline, you need to go without them. Let's go." Yelena added on before heading down another corridor. You and Bucky split into two other ones. Quickly navigating your way to one of the weapon rooms, you noticed that there was no one there.. They must be initiated the sanitation. Ugh... we cannot get caught now!

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