Chapter 1

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I panted as I sprinted away from the base, I can't believe it! I finally was free! Or close to it at least... As I neared the rusted gate, I slowed to a run, I wouldn't need to move as fast as I had to before, but I still had to keep moving, I couldn't risk getting caught again, my injuries from last time were just starting to heal. As I reached the gate, I looked behind myself to see if there was anyone behind me, I stayed deathly silent, listening for any foreign noises. There were none. As I started to climb the gate, the sun began to rise. Perfect. Just what I need, a big ball of light creating shadows across the surrounding forest. Great. The gate was ten feet high, and hard to get a grip on. It was a good thing I brought some gloves to help me get a grip on it. I stretched my hand to reach a bar above me, and I firmly planted my foot on the lowest bar, so I could begin to climb over. It took five minutes to finally reached the top. I threw my leather backpack over, and thought about how I would hop over, climbing down would take to long, but if I jumped down, I could seriously hurt myself. Either way, time was running out. By now they MUST have noticed i'm gone, or some supplies are missing... They could already be hunting me... I was going to have to jump. Quickly I scanned my surroundings for a safe landing spot. There weren't any... Closing my eyes tightly, I took a deep breath, and I pushed myself off the fence. Wait, how was I going to land? By now, it was too late to stop myself from falling, so I pushed my feet against the gate, and I attempted to launch myself into a commando roll, the impact forced the air out of my lungs, but that seemed to be the worst thing that happened. Shoot! I've got to keep moving! I had to make up for lost time. I snatched my backpack off the ground, and then I sprinted away from the gate as fast as possible. My adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had never gotten this far before! Maybe i'll be able to try to find my family! I just need to remember them... No! I can't lose control of my thoughts or get over confident, this could still fail. I had soon gotten too far to see the gate, and the base so I stopped to catch my breath, I know I shouldn't, but I can't keep up this pace. I hadn't left a trail, at least i think I didn't... Not too bad, I thought as I sat down on a nearby rock. I slung my backpack off my back, and I opened it to take out a piece of bread. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now, I ate the bread immediately. Wait! Again! What was I thinking! How stupid of me! I can't take a break! Not yet at least! They'll catch up to me! I grabbed my backpack, and went off again, when I heard it. A twig. Without thinking, I sprinted as fast as humanly possible, ducking and leaping over and under multiple trees and bushes, then I heard it. Six loud whooshing sounds. Suddenly, I felt it, three sharp jabs in my back. Tranquilizer darts. As I collapsed to the ground, I saw two feet wearing black male boots walking towards me, and then my world went black.

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