Chapter 5

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Obstacle Courses 5:30 - 7:00
This is going to be... interesting... Before the 28 of us, were multiple obstacle courses, all of which seemed a bit complicated for us. "You will all start at this one." called a voice. It was Madame B. She was pointing over at one at the edge of the field. Ok... that one seems easier I guess. "When I say start, you go, ok?" she said. We all nodded. "This is insane!" Yelena whispered to me. "I know right!" I whispered back. "Start!" Shoot! I wasn't paying attention, so I got a late start, but it didn't matter, Yelena and I were at the front, already starting to climb the rope nets, when a few more girls started to join us, we were still pretty far ahead though. This is actually pretty simple I thought as I took the lead by quickly climbed a rusted gate, like I did to escape from the KGB base. Man, that seems like it happened years ago, not a few days ago, or was it yesterday? I can't really remember... I sprinted over to the next obstacle, which was a rope and wall climb, as I climbed down it, I thought to myself, I am one of the 28 Black Widow agents with the red room, the training is hard, but the glory of the soviet supremacy and the warmth of my parents makes up for... wait... makes up for what? I-I can't remember anything about my past! How- How would I- How could I think that? Then I realized it, those are the facts, they are what I know to be true... I am one of the 28 ballerinas- no black widow agents- with the red room... I shook my head trying to clear out my thoughts as I moved on to the next obstacle, but they were still there...  The training is hard... how would I know that? I hardly started it... No! I need to focus on the task at hand, which for right now, is a rope swing.

Breakfast 7:00 - 7:30
Grrooowwwwllll. I tried to mask my stomache's loud growling with conversation with Yelena. "How did you beat that so quickly?" she asked. "I mean, I did ok, but you were acting like it was child's play!" "Well... we are children, I mean, come on we are 10 for goodness sakes! I don't even know how I did it!" I replied. We were waiting in line for our breakfast. I hope it's better than what Ivan would give me... Mush, sometimes with an experimental liquid inside of it... hooray. At least here the food seems edible. Grrooowwwwllll. There goes my stomach again. "Look. we're almost there!" said Yelena excitedly, but discreetly. Once we finally got up there, we held out our plates, and were given a pile of... eggs? At least I think they're eggs, and a small slice of bread. What were they trying to do? Starve us? I couldn't afford to be picky though, so once Yelena and I sat down, I told her, "We need to eat this, It will give us enough energy until lunch, we can't afford to be picky." Yelena who was scowling at her own plate lifted her eyes to mine, them said in a determined tone, "You're right. We can't be picky... Bon appetit I guess." We nodded at each other, then we lifted a nearby fork up, and started to eat the "eggs" while the other girls stared at us disbelievingly, but they as usual started to follow our lead, and they started to begrudgingly eat their food. It wasn't that bad I guess, it was better than Ivan's "mush". Once you got past the slimey outside, it was bearable, I mean it could be worse. Right? Once I finished the "eggs", I started on the bread, which was of course better than the eggs, so I finished that quickly. "Done." I said as I carefully lowered a glass that used to be full of water, which was the best part of the meal, by far. "Me too." she said. "Once you get past the sliminess, it's okay. I mean it could get worse right?" "Yeah," I said. "It most likely will."

Black Widow and the Red RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora