Chapter 11

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One week later
The KGB decided that most of our time training would be spent in our groups, so we actually had some free time now. To do obstacle courses, more ballet, read, walk around the compound, draw or write I guess, and that's basically it. I'm surprised we'd even get free time. I liked to walk around the campus, do ballet, or draw. Right now, I'm drawing what's happening here at the red room. In case someone finds it so they could stop this from happening again. I was drawing the ballet practices that consisted of us doing arduous routines over and over again to prove that we're "made of marble". Sometimes it included us holding guns or weapons. "That's really good." I looked up and saw the third guy. "What's it of?" "Our ballet practices, we still do them a lot, the schedule didn't change it."  "How come?" "It apparently strengthens us somehow... we do this same routines over and over." I said finishing the guns I were aiming at a target. "How long have you been here?" "8 years. I remember our first night here, they killed a girl to scare us. After that, they... you probably don't want to hear about this." I said starting on my hair in the picture. "No... um it's fine really." He was watching me drawing intently. "Really?" I said shading the space in my hair. "Yeah." "You obviously don't talk much." I said. "You don't either." He countered. Ouch he has a point... "Sorry, it's just I... I don't know why I don't talk a lot." He said leaning back onto a wall. We were in a janitor's closet. He must have seen me come in. "Can I ask you something?" I said deciding to ask him about eight years ago. "Sure." "Eight years ago, I tried to escape from one of Ivan's labs. They sent someone to stop me. They tranquilized me, then I met General Karpov, and that other scientist guy whose name I can't remember." He nodded listening. "They sent me here, but there was someone else there though." "Who?" he asked. "If you'd let me finish I'd tell you." I said. He nodded, gesturing for me to continue. "It was you." His face scrunched in confusion. "How? I-I don't remember that... I don't remember anything from eight years ago. How is this possible?" He said standing up and pacing around the tiny closet. "I don't know, I was going to ask you... do you remember anything?" I said standing up next to him, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "N-n no... I- I can't..." "Something's up..."
Five minutes later
"So, you're saying we've met before... eight years ago, when you were what? Ten? Looking exactly like I do today?" He asked carefully. "Yeah... I mean in eight years, no offense, but you'd look a lot older..." I said. "I have an idea." He said. "What?" "Just follow me." He said grabbing my arm and leading me out of the closet. "Where are we going?" I asked grabbing my sketch. "Shhh. Be quiet and come on. By the way, this could be illegal, but you're learning how to murder people effectively, so..." I shrugged and ran after him. Trying to figure out why my chest was aching.

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