2| Baby Steps

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Second day came, nothing unusual except for the fact that they keep on doubting that they are enrolled into the right school.

Math class happened, Patch dissociated herself in a trance, staring out the window during a lecture then, she glanced by her left side, she looked at Queeny, her old classmate, the petite smart kid with the brown silky hair that is always kept in a ponytail. " Hey, do you get it? " asked Patch. Queeny looked back at her, with a surprised look. " You're talking to me? " Queeny whispered. " Yeah " Patch whispered back. " You need help? " Queeny asked and Patch nodded. " I spaced out a bit, it's too early for numbers " Patch said.

Queeny explained the first part of the algebra experience, Patch understood it and survived the seatwork, they later on had a chat about summer and the band click five. " I mean, it's soft rock genius " Queeny said. " I knooow " Patch agreed, they were walking out together by the hallway and bid farewell to each other as they go to their next class. Patch made one friend and she was psyched to tell Jay and Brenda all about it.

Lunch time came, the time when she unite with her friends. She rushed to the cafeteria where they sat on the same table they did yesterday. " Guess what " Patch said as she sat down, getting the attention of everyone on the table, she sat between Jay and Brian. " Well, the junior kids are looking at you Patch " Said Jay. But, of course they are although, she's not very concerned about that. They were aware of something that Patch wasn't, her brother Blue got into a bar fight last night. " How can you tell? " Patch asked as she glanced over the Junior's table. They were staring and whispering to each other.

" I swear we're at the wrong school " Said Brenda. " We're in the right school ...it's just that kids our age are in the middle of adolesence-y " Said Jay. " In fact , I had a chicken little cartoon taped on the back of my uniform for the whole morning " Jay added. " We're basically at the bottom of the food chain " Krish said as she took a sip from her milk box. " I feel like such a loser when you said that " Brenda said.

" Then , whatever we won't be losers forever , this is highschool not a walk in a park. Besides , I'm just gonna report to Jay and Brenda that I made a new friend so, that's one over three baby " Said Patch with exaggerated gestures. Jay and Brend giggled as they watch their proud friend brag. " Who's the unlucky kid? " Brenda asked. " Queeny " Patch answered. Jay and Brenda laughed at her, even hitting the lunch table. " Queeny , the sweetheart. Oh, that's precious " Said Brenda. " She's been with us since we're kids and you just talked to her today, that's good , I'm proud of you babe " Said Jay, with a mischievous look , he raised his eyebrows at Patch.

" Did you just call her babe? " Krish and Brenda, glared at him as they asked at the same time. Patch just glared at him. " That'll be the last time because, the next time he does that, you'll only be a story that was so yesterday " Patch said as she walked away.

Krish gave a puzzled look while, the three just followed Patch with their sight. " Look at what you did Jay " Krish said. " Here's what you're gonna do, get your phone and set the timer to one minute and twenty seconds " He said. " Why? " She asked. " Just do it " Jay said, trying to act cool , eating his fries and silently, hoping that she'd do it. But, Krish did as Jay said. The timer went on as they continue with their lunch, Patch came back to table two seconds before the timer stops. " You guys are so quiet though " Patch said as she returned, taking a bite on the celery she got. " I told you homie!" Jay said referring to Krish. " You won " She said, stopping the timer on her phone. " Please don't tell me that you either tried to sell me or maybe, foretold a tall tale again " Patch said.

" Nahh, Krish got worried that you walked away when he babed you " Said Brenda. Patch giggled and she smiled at Krish " Don't worry about me, my frustrations has limitations " Said Patch.

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