Prologue Part 1: Beginning

Start from the beginning

"This is the end!" I declare.

Matching my soul-wavelength with the unicorn, I thrust my sword towards the heavens, transforming it into a mass of pure arcane energy. Switching to gear second, I slice through the air at mach speed with the force of a thousand suns. Pillars of flames swarms around me, forming the shape of a spear. Then, with all my might I-


I open my eyes and reach across the bed.

I've woken to this alarm often enough that it's become a reflex to get up and shut it off before it rings another second. Though, it kind of hurts my head for moving too quickly.

Damn it, not now, that dream was amazing, let me sleep. I cover my head with a pillow and close my eyes.

Alright, where did I leave off? Let's see... I was fighting, and there was a boss. I feel myself drift off to sleep again, the epic scene starts to reform in my head.

The fight continues.

Charging with the force of a thousand suns, I slice through the air as a pillar of flame surrounds me. The final clash awaits, the boss swings his claws at me. Too slow, I easily dodge them. I near his head, his eyes glared with rage. Then, with all my might, I-

"Iriko! Get out of bed, foods ready!"

My glorious dream was again cut short as I hear my sister call.


I muttered. Can I please get like ten more minutes without being interrupted? Once more, I attempt to sleep again.

Ugh, damn it. I kept my eyes closed, but I was already too awake. The only thing left about the dream that I can recall was the fact that it was amazingly epic.

Giving up, I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. Breathing a sigh of regret, I grab my phone and check the time.

It's 7:20 am.

Alright, wake up. I say this to myself as I roll out of bed.

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After getting dressed, I head downstairs to the kitchen. My sisters, Andrea and Silica are already eating breakfast. They're still in their nightgowns.  Silica is busy combing her black hair. Water drips to the floor as it is still wet from the shower. Meanwhile, Andrea's hair is all tangled and messed up. She's planning to dye her hair purple tomorrow, but I think she looks better if she keeps it blond.

Next to them is my mother, she's on her tablet, probably checking the news or something.

I take a plate from the cabinet and sit down on the table. My parents are firm believers of heavy eating being a healthy way of life. So for our meals, we normally get more than a plateful of food with one of everything. This breakfast, there is grilled chicken, beef, a bowl of rice, and some leftover salmon from last night. I always thought it was normal to be eating so much. It wasn't until high school that I found out that most people would consider how we eat overkill. Yet despite that, our entire family seems to keep fairly slim. It might be due to our high metabolism.

I'm still irritated from being woken up. I know it's not their fault for doing so, but I just can't help but blame my sisters anyway.

As my mind drifts, thinking of what the dream could have been, I hear a question coming from one of my sisters, although I didn't quite catch it.


Andrea repeats her question.

"I said after school can you drive us to the mall?"

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