Portals... I Can Make Portals..... Neat.

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A/N in the chapter 'I Need To Escape...... Oh Hey An Earthquake', I referred to Yugo's portals, but he has not discovered his powers yet. I repeat he has not discovered his powers yet.

Not a sound was heard throughout the room in which Yugo currently was trapped. He was sound asleep, making no noise. Echo entered the temple and quietly walked over to him, trying hard not to disturb him. 'He at least trusts us enough to the point where he feels he can fall asleep and no harm will come to him. That's good.' Echo thought as she sat at the foot of the bed. 'He needs his rest. Oropo will teach him how to use his powers when they reveal themselves. We cannot rush anything.' She looked at the sleeping boy 'How is it that such a small boy holds such great powers?'

Echo got up and silently began to walk away. Then she heard footsteps. She rolled her eyes and looked at the crack in the floor. Toxsine stood at the mouth of the crack. "What have I told you? You are not to come in here." Echo whispered as she walked over to Toxsine

"Hmph. I just want to have some fun." Toxsine replied noisily earning herself a shush from Echo

"Well, you won't be going anywhere near him." Echo replied quietly, as she pushed Toxsine back into the crack in the floor. "Stay out of my temple."

Echo looked back over at Yugo, who still laid asleep on the bed. "Echo." A voice echoed out from behind her

"Oropo. I was just keeping an eye on him. Toxsine seems to dislike his being here." She replied

"I see." Oropo floated over to Yugo and looked at him

"Oropo, why won't you be there when our mission is fulfilled?" Echo questioned as she walked over next to him

"You know exactly why Echo." Oropo replied placing a hand on her shoulder "I will speak with Toxsine." Oropo floated down to Toxsine's temple

Echo turned back to Yugo. The small boy had rolled over in his sleep. He had a small scar on the back of his left shoulder. She wondered how he had gotten it. After a few moments, Yugo rolled over, and kick in his sleep. 'A nightmare.' Echo thought just before Yugo woke and shot up with a shout. "Shh it's okay. It was just a bad dream." Echo said calmly. Yugo's eyes were filled with tears. 'I wonder what happened in his dream.' Echo looked at the small boy, "What happened? In your dream I mean."

"I.... I don't want to talk about it." Yugo replied covering his head with the blanket

"Please?" Echo asked


"I'll tell you what your powers are."

"I have powers?" Yugo asked slowly moving the blanket from his face.

"Yes. But first you need to tell me what your dream was about."

"Fine." Yugo said "I was back at the orphanage, and everything was normal, the other boys locked me in the kitchen and made me make breakfast, until this weird guy that could float, floated through the wall and started attacking me. He cornered me and dragged me, then he locked me in the pantry. And then he started to stab the door with a sword or something, and then I woke up."

Echo looked at him, "What did the floating man look like?"

"He... He was tall..... And he had a long blue cloak, as well as a mask that covered his face..." Yugo stopped talking for a minute "Can I know what my powers are now?"

Echo laughed "Yes. You can create portals."


"Yes, portals."


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