Need To Escape.... Oh Hey An Earthquake.

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After Echo left Yugo crawled off the bed. "Ugh holy bwork. What did that jerk do to my side?" He asked himself as he looked at where the pain seared from. There sat bandages that were red with blood. "Yikes. That's no good." He said as he stood up ignoring the pain in his side. He took a few steps before the ground began to shake. He fell on the floor as a wide crack appeared a few feet away "I think I've just found my way out." Yugo said looking at the crack "Maybe it was an earthquake..." He said as he heard someone shout. He was lifted off the ground.

"You really shouldn't be out of bed." A singsong voice rang out of nowhere

"What the-"

"Shhhhh. Echo will here you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Toxsssine. Let's have some fun." The voice range out as its owner appeared out of thin air

"Toxsine! What have I told you!?" A voice echoed through the temple "You are not allowed in here. EVER!" Echo yelled as she knocked Toxsine over, causing her to throw Yugo

"Ahh! Oof." Yugo exclaimed as he fell to the ground. He watched as Echo threw Toxsine through a portal similar to one of his own.

"Sadly she is right." Echo said as she walked over to Yugo and helped him up "You should not be out of bed." She picked him up and put him back on the bed "Stay away from the crack in the floor. It goes to Toxsine's temple. Who knows what she would do to you there." Echo walked over to the crack in the floor and shouted down "Toxsine! Stay away from my temple!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." Toxsine shouted back.

"I'll be going. I trust you not to do anything stupid." Echo said as she turned to Yugo "If Toxsine comes back just yell." Echo said as she walked away

"Okay." Yugo said quietly as Echo disappeared from view 'What do I do? If I go down there, that lady'll hurt me. If I stay here, that Oropo guy could hurt me. What am I gonna do?'


When Echo came back, with Oropo in tow, Yugo was sound asleep. "I don't think he trusts anyone very much right now." Echo said to Oropo as she walked over to the sleeping boy

"That's fine. He doesn't need to trust us yet Echo." Oropo said as he floated over to Yugo. The young boy rolled over in his sleep. "Remington could have grabbed him before he was adopted. He didn't need to wait. He found him several months ago. Too late for that now though."


"Yes Echo?"

"Why do you need him? Aren't you a-"

"I told you already, I will not be there."

When Siblings returnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora