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She walks in with a clink of the doorbell. I stop in my tracks and stare at her.


She sure looks better in a dress than her uniform, and she looks great in that. She smiles at me, then looks over at Camren. I stumble over her chair and after almost falling over, pull it out for her. She thanks me with her eyes. I sit down across from her. Camren gets our food ready, and we sit in silence. I listen to the slight buzz from the freezer and wonder why we scheduled our date after the dinner rush. We're the only people left.

"Okay you two, keep it down," Camren jokes, coming back with burgers and shakes. I thank them, while Sharon just looks at them. I take a bite of my burger.

"So, how's the movie theatre?" I ask, breaking the silence.  She shrugs.

"Well, you already know about the deep-fry situation, but other than that it's boring." She laughs. I laugh with her.

"How's your job?" She asks. I smile.

"It's great, I actually just came off work. Dinner rush is my favorite time of the week, the old couples all come in." Sharon nods.

"So, that's why you have lipstick on your cheeks."

I blush and wipe it away with a napkin.

"I thought you were cheating," She adds. I look at her, puzzled. Cheating? We aren't together.

Are we? 

The conversation goes on. I ask her about what she does other than the movies, and what she wants to do. She asks me about my schedule and why I don't come to school. I don't want to tell her, but she forces it out of me. I decide to keep it vague. 

I'm only halfway through my shake when my phone rings. Sharon looks disappointed when I answer it, but judging that it's a state-regulated number, I figure its important. 

"Hello?" I say.

"Is this Wallace Heart?" A woman asks.

"That is he," I reply.

"I'm doctor Jefferson. I've called to inform you that your brother, Jordan, is currently being hospitalized and is in a medically-induced coma. He'll be alright, but we were told to call you in an emergency." 

I feel the blood drain from my face.

"What happened?" I demand.

"Sir to give that Information you will need to come in and sign a few papers."

"Can I see him?" I ask. 

"Since you are a family member, visiting hours are extended, so yes."

"Okay, thank you. I'll be right there."

I hang up and stand, calling to Camren. Sharon stands too.

"Yeah?" Camren asks.

"Cam we need to go, right now," I say. They see the expression in my eyes and nod, grabbing the keys to their car and grabbing our coats.

"What?" Sharon asks. I look over at her.

"You need to go. I'm sorry, something came up-"

"What happened, because there better be a damn good reason for this," She says, looking angry and ready to cry.

"My brother is in the hospital in a coma," I reply. Her face softens. Just as I think she's about to say sorry, she does something else.

She kisses me.

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