Bryian Michaelis Is Back.

Start from the beginning

"Ok master" she said and ciel pull me out of the room and went to the kitchen.

"Are you sure that it a good idea to let her watch Abby? You know that Abby is you know and May-Ren is a human" I said to Ciel.

"I know but we right next to her if she need us. It's not we are going to the store or park." Ciel said trying to make me feel better leaving my daughter with a human.

"Yea your right. I just a little nervous to leave Abby with a human" I said while getting ready to cook something.

"I know I am too but we have Claude as a backup." Ciel said while smiling.

"Claude.. babysitting.. that is so funny to watch, I can't wait to see it." I said trying not to laugh.

"Well he is kind of babysitting Lizzie" Ciel said.

"Yea that true but I saying babysitting for a friend's or family member baby that I can't wait to see." I said.

Then Claude came in "can't wait for what Edward?"

"For you babysitting and what I told to say my real name" I said.

"It just us three and your little lover already know it" Claude said

"Yea but what what if the other servents hear you like bard, he comes here try to cook something but it end up blowing up the kitchen for me to fix it." I said while reminding the times that bard did that.

"Yea well, he stopped doing that and started to cook a good food, not that great but he getting there." Claude said while sitting at a table in the kitchen.

"Really?!" Me and Ciel was shock what Claude was saying.

"Bard.. cook well, You are kidding me right?" Ciel said.

"Really after you two move to America they wanted this place running well, so they work hard to get this far." Claude said.

"I knew something was different with them but I couldn't find why until now."  Ciel said.

"Yeah-" I was cut off by May-Ren coming in.

"Master, the baby is wake and want you" she said.

"Ok May-Ren, I will right back Sebastian" Ciel said while walking out the kitchen.

Ciel POV.

When I got back to the room, I grab Abby up from her little crib and rock her to calm her down before I feed her.

"She is so cute" I heard May-Ren.

"Thanks May-Ren" I said while feeding Abby.

"Your welcome master" May-Ren said.


"Yes master?"

"Why you still want to keep this manor like it is? You had the chance to be free and do what you want to do but you choose to be here, why?" I ask her.

"Well after you guys found me that day and took me that and turn me as your maid, I wanted to stay here to repay you as a thank you for a new life you and Sebastian gave me and the other servents. Even I was really clumsy and break every plate in the past, but I got better and I got new glasses that I can see better but I still have the glasses that you gave me." She said.

"Oh, thanks May-Ren" I said

She nod. "Master, Can I ask you a question?"

"Yea what is it?"

"Why you and Sebastian left London and move to America? Now you have a child that looks just like Sebastian? Wait are you two in a relationship?" May-Ren ask

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