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"I've been seeing things, Dipper. Like dreams, or visions. They're real, Dip, and they're terrifying."


All she saw was darkness. It sounded like Mike, except distorted. She was fading in and out from the real world, except the place she was fading into wasn't a dream world, it was a nightmare.

It was like their home, Hawkins, but very different. It was dark. There was no sign of the sun she loved to play in with her friends. It was cold. Colder than anything she'd ever felt. It wasn't human.

Then she saw it. The monster. The Demogorgon. The thing that took Will.


Her brown eyes flew open, the static on El's walkie talkie ceased to exist. She sat up, the boys crowding around her.

"Mabel, are you okay?" Her brother asked, scooting closer to her.

She couldn't speak. What she had seen was too terrifying. She gave a small nod, her throat tight. She felt sweaty, was she sweaty? Oh god, she hoped not. She forgot to put on deodorant today.

"I'm- I'm fine," She finally got out, causing the boys to sigh in relief.
"Guys, give her some space," Dipper told the boys, Mike leaving her side reluctantly.

Dipper bent down to her level.

"What was that, Mabs?"

She gulped.

"I've been seeing things, Dipper. Like dreams, or visions. They're real, Dip, and they're terrifying," she whispered to her brother.
"We'll talk about this later," Dipper whispered back, trying not to make it obvious they were whispering.


Later that night, Dipper and Mabel sat in their shared bedroom, both on the floor. Dipper was paging through his journal, trying to figure out what El was and what was wrong with Mabel.

"I'm telling you, Dipper. It's not gonna be in there. We aren't mythical creatures," Mabel rolled her eyes.
"Well, I was hoping maybe something could help us," He sighed, continuing to search the weathered pages of his number 3 journal.

Mabel had no idea what was wrong with her. She saw things, felt things. It was strange, but so was all of this. Will going missing, Eleven coming from no where, it was all strange.

She began to think of her life back in Oregon. Maybe something happened there that made her this way? She did go into an alternate reality when Bill trapped her, but could that help her see into other realities?

"What- What if Bill has something to do with it?" Mabel stuttered out, knowing how Dipper felt about Bill.

Dipper's face darkened as he slammed the leather cover down onto the pages. He stood up, looking at Mabel.

"Bill is dead," he stated, "He has nothing to do with this."
"How can you be sure?" Mabel asked, standing up as well, "He's an all-powerful demon for God's sakes!"
"Bill is dead!" He yelled.

Dipper never liked to talk about what happened that day in Gravity Falls. It was one of the hardest days of his life. He thought he was going to lose everyone he loved.

"Do you understand?" Dipper asked, taking a step towards his twin.

For the first time ever, Mabel felt a little scared of Dipper. It wasn't often that the fought. They were usually joined at the hip.

"I understand," She stated, causing Dipper to grab his journal and storm out the room.

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