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"Friends... They tell each other things."

The party was invited to eat dinner with the Wheelers

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The party was invited to eat dinner with the Wheelers. Eleven had just shown the boys her powers, leaving everyone in shock. The boys avoided eye contact, and played with their food. It was quite an awkward situation.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" Karen spoke up.

The kids all looked up in fear.

"Oh, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch," Dustin replied giving a nervous smile.
"Me, too," Lucas added, nervously chuckling.
"I think it's delicious, Mrs. Wheeler," Mabel complimented, stuffing her face full of the delicious homemade meatloaf.

She wasn't really phased by the whole Eleven having powers thing, neither was Dipper. They had lived in Gravity Falls after all. Dipper was just shocked that the supernatural was everywhere, not just Oregon.

"So... There's this special assembly thing tonight... For Will at the school field... Barb's driving," Nancy told her mother, clearly lying.

Nancy had a tendency to be a self centered girl sometimes. Everyone at the table, besides Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler knew Nancy didn't give a damn about Will.

"Why am I just now hearing about this?" Karen asked.
"I thought you knew."
"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found."
"I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there," Nancy pointed out, "I mean, everyone's going."

Karen thought for a moment, finally giving in.

"Just... Be back by 10," Karen sighed, "Why don't you take the kids too?"
"No!" They all shouted in sync.

They had much bigger problems than going to a school assembly.

"Don't you think you should be there? For Will?"

Suddenly, Eleven was descending from the stairs. Mike choked on his milk, causing Mabel to snort in laughter. Karen went to turn her head. Dipper took the job of distracting her. He kicked Dustin out of the chair, causing him to fall against the table, shaking it.

"Sorry, spasm," Dustin apologized, while kicking Dipper from under the table.

Eleven made it safely into the basement. Mabel sighed in relief. Holly began to whimper, scared from all the noise.

"It's okay, Holly," Karen comforted the small child, "It's just a loud noise."
"Nice," Nancy mouthed at the two boys.


After dinner, the group headed downstairs to see El. She busied herself with Mike's walkie talkie. Mabel felt bad that she was alone down here, it probably got super boring.

"Elllllll?" Mabel called, walking down behind Mike, who had food for the strange girl, "We brought you meatloaf!"

Mike set the tray in front of her. Dipper, Dustin, and Lucas lingered by the stairs. They were in awe and shock over her new found powers.

"Don't worry," Mike comforted, sensing she was nervous,"They won't tell anyone about you. They promise, right?"
"We never would have upset you if we knew you had superpowers," Dustin stated, chuckling.

Mabel turned around, punching him in the calf.

"Ow!" He cried in pain.
"You shouldn't have upset her in the first place," Mabel shrugged, not really caring that he was complaining about his calf hurting.
"What Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared... earlier," Mike clarified.
"And to clarify that, Mike means all those boys are a bunch of sissies," Mabel laughed, causing El to smile as well.

The boys, except for Mike, all protested, just making the brunette laugh harder.

"We just wanted to find our...," Dipper thought for a moment.

Will. What was Will to him? Dipper loved Will. Sometimes more than he should.

"Friend," Dipper finished.
"'Friend?'" Eleven asked, clearly not understanding.
"Yeah, friend," Mabel asserted, "Like me and you. We're friends."
"Yeah, it's like someone you'd do anything for," Mike smiled, looking up at Mabel.

Oh, he'd do anything for her.

"You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards," Dustin told her.

Dipper began to think of Will again. What was the last thing he lent to him?

An X-Men Comic Book.

Will had been really upset that day. Troy had bought the last X-Men Comic Book, just to spite him.  Dipper had given his own copy  to Will, feeling heartbroken to see the boy so sad.

The way his eyes lit up when Dipper handed it to him was extraordinary. Dipper wrote for days in his journal about it.

He promised he'd give it back, but he hadn't yet. Dipper knew he wouldn't break his promise. He'd come back. He'd come to The Pine's house. He'd give him his X-Men Comic in person. Dipper would apologize for being such an ass, and he'd let him read his journal. God, he wish he'd let him read his journal.

"And they never break a promise," Dipper added,
"Friends... They tell each other things."

"Will, I can't tell you. It's personal."

Dipper shivered at his own words. It's something he'd regret till the day he died.

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