•fighting demons•

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"Now I suggest you go somewhere
else, because I really don't want to beat the
      shit out of you in front of my sister."


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The twins already knew the first day of school was not going to be fun

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The twins already knew the first day of school was not going to be fun. Being the new kid is never fun. Although not excited about going, Mabel was excited to see the neighbor boys again, and sport a new sweater she made out of the collector's glitter.

Dipper couldn't care less about making friends. He knew he didn't need them. Mabel was always enough for him. He also wasn't about being flashy like his sister. He just put on a random shirt and his signature pine tree hat, and that was his style epitome.

"We're going to be late!" Mabel called upstairs to her brother.

She wore a sparkly yellow sweater, covered in little bicycle patches. Ford complained about it being too cold for a skirt, making her wear a pair of black jeans, much to her complaints.

She stood at the bottom of the stairs, growing more and more annoyed by the second. Dipper finally came barreling down the stairs. His shoes were untied and his hair was scruffy, even under his hat. He looked like a mess in his sister's eyes.

"You're wearing that?" She asked, looking at his outfit, which was almost identical to the one he wore yesterday,"Really?"
"Is now really a good time to be handing out fashion advice?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

She huffed in annoyance, grabbing his arm, and pulling him out the door.


Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will arrived at school. They parked their bikes at the bike rack. They had at least thirty minutes before school had to start, they just liked to get there early.

"I wonder when the new girl and her brother are gonna get here?" Will asked, searching the front of the school for them.

Mike shrugged. He was secretly really excited to see the pretty brunette girl. He didn't know her brother, but she was interesting.

Mike was pulled out of his thoughts by being shoved to the ground. He looked up and saw Troy and James, the local school bullies. Lucas rolled his eyes and went to help Mike up. Troy and James began to laugh.

"Wow, FrogFace, it was so easy to push you over," James cackled.
"Of course it was!" Troy began, "I mean, look at him, he's practically a pool noodle!"

The bullies began to laugh even harder. Will couldn't take the bullying anymore. He knew he was short, but this had to end.

"Troy, you better leave him alone!"

Troy and James stopped mid laugh. They turned their attention to the smaller boy, who had grown slightly too confident.

"Yeah, or what?" Troy asked, stepping closer to the boy.

Will didn't know what to do. He didn't think this far ahead, he acted on impulse. He knew Troy and James would crush him.

"Or, I'll kick your ass," a male voice suddenly intervened.

All the boys, including Troy and James, turned to see a new boy they had never seen before. He had scruffy dark brown hair, a baseball cap, and a vest. Will instantly remembered it to be the boy that had just moved in. The unfamiliar boy's sister, Mabel, was standing close behind, tugging on the boy's arm lightly. She seemed to be begging him not to do anything stupid.

"Who the hell are you?" James asked in surprise.
"Dipper Pines," the boy shrugged casually,"Now I suggest you go somewhere else, because I really don't want to beat the shit out of you in front of my sister."

Troy and James seemed taken aback. No one had ever really challenged them. They huffed in annoyance and defeat, walking away, shoving into Mike and Dustin. Dipper turned to walk away, but Will grabbed his arm.

"Thank you," Will smiled.
"It was really no trouble," Dipper replied, "I used to get picked on all the time, but when you literally face your demons, nothing can stop you."

Will smiled at the comforting statement, not knowing how literal Dipper was being about the whole "fighting demons" thing.

"I'm Will," he smiled, holding out his hand, which was shaking.
"Dipper," the new boy replied, meeting the handshake, also shaking lightly.
"And that's Mike, Lucas, and Dustin," Mabel spoke up, pointing to each boy, since she had met them yesterday.
"Cool," Dipper nodded with a friendly smile, which surprised Mabel, seeing as her brother was famously known to be antisocial and awkward.

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling it was time to go to class.

"What's your schedule?" Mike asked quickly, running up to Mabel, who stared at a folded up piece of paper in her hand.
"Here," she replied, handing him the crumpled up paper.

He glanced over it, desperately hoping to have a class with her. He sighed in relief when he saw they had English and lunch together.

"Hope you're good at poetry," Mike laughed, causing Mabel to laugh as well.
"Is that a challenge, Mike?" She asked, laughing like she's known him for years.
"Come on, we're gonna be late!" Dipper exclaimed, running up to his sister, which he knew was attempting to flirt.

Dipper couldn't really talk, he was ten times worse than Mabel when it came to love. At least she'd been kissed...

"I'll see you later!" Mabel called, running to keep up with her surprisingly fast brother.

Mike blushed after she had entered the school.

"Man, she's got you whipped, and you just met her!" Lucas exclaimed, causing everyone but Mike to erupt into laughter.

Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance, heading into school. The remaining group of friends headed in shortly after.

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