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"What-What was that?"

"Who are you?" Mabel asked

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"Who are you?" Mabel asked.

The girl looked up, tears still in her eyes. She lifted up her sleeve to reveal a tattoo.


"That's your name?" Mabel asked.

The girl, or Eleven, nodded. Mabel reached out to touch the tattoo. Eleven would usually yank her hand away, but she let Mabel touch it. She trusted her.

As soon as Mabel's hand made contact with Eleven's wrist, everything went dark for Mabel.

It was like Mabel was dreaming again, but this time it felt all too real.

Eleven was kicking and screaming, being dragged by two men through a hospital-esque hallway. The lights were dim. Mabel couldn't tell where Eleven was.

"Papa!" Eleven screamed.

That's when Mabel saw him. The older man in the blue shirt. Mabel instantly knew this man was bad. He trapped Eleven in this horrible place.

The two men in all white threw Eleven into a small closet like room. Hell, it wasn't even a room. It was an eerie little box made out of wood.

She was left there, screaming and crying. She was like a caged animal, begging to be let out. Mabel couldn't take this anymore. She pulled her hand away from Eleven's, the vision fading.

"What-What was that?" Mabel asked, looking down at her hand in disbelief.
"Powers," Eleven muttered, just as the door flew open to reveal Mike.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, noticing the tears still lingering on Eleven's face.
"Yeah," Mabel nodded, looking at Eleven with a small, sad smile.

Eleven returned it. Mabel didn't understand what they had in common, but whatever it was, she could feel it was powerful.

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