Please, Blue? (Pink Diamond & Blue Diamond)

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She sat in her palanquin, looking out over her court through the translucent curtains. Blue Diamond, the gem matriarch, ruler of eight separate colonies, had nothing to do at this moment. Of course, as a Diamond, she had many responsibilities, and a very lengthy list of tasks to complete. But none of them seemed pressing enough to her, compared to the things she'd had to deal with as of late, that she felt compelled to attend to them immediately. They'd get done, but for now, she decided that simply monitoring her subjects was enough. She didn't do these mediocre tasks personally often, and her subjects should be honoured to be graced with the presence of a Diamond.

Blue began to question where her Pearl had run off to. She had been sent to greet a visitor, who apparently was of a high enough rank to warrant meeting her in person, and had not yet returned. Blue Pearl was usually efficient in her tasks, never one to be gone for her Diamond's side for long, so for her to not have yet returned was strange. The curtains of the palanquin shifted slightly, swaying ever so gently. Looking down, there stood her Pearl, who gracefully dipped down into an elegant curtsy.

"My Diamond, " Her voice was quiet, respectful, and her soft hair fell over her eyes, "You have a visitor."

"Who is it?" Questioned Blue, wondering what could have take her Pearl so long. If it was merely a visitor, shouldn't she have simply informed them that she was preoccupied, and taken a message? Perhaps this was especially important.

"Pink Diamond is here, and she wishes to speak with you, my Diamond." her Pearl spoke, rising from her curtsy and forming the Diamond symbol over her chest. Blue hummed, wondering why Pink had come to visit. Perhaps she had caught wind of the fact that she wasn't busy at this particular moment, or perhaps she hadn't taken Blue's duties into account and had simply decided to drop by out of boredom. The latter was far more likely.

"Pearl, send her in and wait outside until I call for you." She instructed, pulling her hood back slightly, just enough so that her eyes reflected the light. Her Pearl nodded, then stepped beyond the curtain again and rounded the corner. A few seconds later, the curtains moved again. Only this time, they were thrust open carelessly, flung to the side without a second thought, and in bounded a certain hyperactive Diamond.

"HEY BLUE!" She yelled, prancing up to the throne on which her sister sat. Pink Diamond stood before her older sister, bouncing up and down like an excited human child. Blue pulled her cape down over her head, and smiled down at Pink. She was so small for a Diamond. So adorable, so precious; both being things that Blue was not used to feeling about anyone.

"Hello Pink. What brings you here?" Blue asked, leaning forward in her seat as Pink ran round to the side of her chair and clambered clumsily up onto the arm, where she plopped down and started swinging her legs back and forth in a rhythmic pattern.

"I dunno, I was bored. Oh! Guess what?!" She squealed, her eyes shining brightly in the blue-tinged light. Blue tilted her head to the side, and Pink grabbed the sleeve of her dress and shook her arm enthusiastically. "Yellow finally let me in the control room. I even got to watch her commanding the drop ships! I wasn't allowed to touch anything, but still, that's an improvement, right?" Her eyes were bright and hopeful, and Blue found herself nodding gently, encouraging her. She couldn't help herself, which was concerning given the millennia she'd had to exercise self-control.

"Blue! When can I have my own colony?" Pink asked, now gripping Blue's arm with both of her small, gloved hands. "Can I have an army, and my own planet, and my very own Pearl? Oh, please, Blue?" Pink was grinning widely, giddy with happiness. She was such a childlike creature, vulnerable to emotions that could overpower her better judgement. That was one of the main reasons that Blue and the others knew she wasn't ready. But that innocent pleading in her gaze, compelling her to say yes, was almost painful to refuse. Of course, not that the decision was down to Blue, anyway. Nor was it Yellow's decision.

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